# Support ## BMC Information The MAC address and password for the BMC (baseboard management controller) can be found on labels on both the system chassis and the motherboard. A small slide-out tray with the label is hidden behind the front cover, at the bottom of the system. The label will look like this: ![](../bmclabel.png) ## Software Setup Support For software setup, visit our [software setup](https://docs.tenstorrent.com/getting-started/README.html) page. ## BIOS and Hardware Support For BIOS updates, non-Tenstorrent drivers, and other hardware support, visit the SuperMicro [product page](https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/system/gpu/4u/sys-740gp-tnrt). ## Tenstorrent Support For support with the Tenstorrent n150s, n300s, and related Tenstorrent software, you can visit the Tenstorrent [Discord](https://discord.gg/tvhGzHQwaj) server or contact [support@tenstorrent.com](mailto:support@tenstorrent.com) with additional questions.