Low Level Kernels


SFPI is the programming interface to the SFPU. It consists of a C++ wrapper around a RISCV GCC compiler base which has been extended with vector data types and __builtin intrinsics to generate SFPU instructions. The wrapper provides a C++ like interface for programming.

SFPI is supported on Grayskull and Wormhole.

Compiler Options/Flags

The following flags must be specified to compile SFPI kernels:

-m<arch> -fno-exceptions

where arch is one of:

  • grayskull

  • wormhole

Note that the arch specification above overrides any -march=<xyz> to either -march=rv32iy for grayskull or -march=rv32iw for wormhole.

Further, the following options disable parts of the SFPI enabled compiler:

  • -fno-rvtt-sfpu-warn: disable sfpu specific warnings/errors

  • -fno-rvtt-sfpu-combine: disable sfpu instruction combining

  • -fno-rvtt-sfpu-cc: disable sfpu CC optimizations

  • -fno-rvtt-sfpu-replay: disable sfpu REPLAY optimizations (wormhole only)


Before going into details, below is a simple example of SFPI code:

void silly(bool take_abs)
    // dst_reg[n] loads into a temporary LREG
    vFloat a = dst_reg[0] + 2.0F;

    // This emits a load, move, mad (on GS uses the "+/0 .5" feature of MAD)
    dst_reg[3] = a * -dst_reg[1] + vConst0p6929 + 0.5F;

    // This emits a load, loadi, mad (a * dst_reg[] goes down the mad path)
    dst_reg[4] = a * dst_reg[1] + 1.2F;

    // This emits two loadis and a mad
    dst_reg[4] = a * 1.5F + 1.2F;

    // This emits a loadi (into tmp), loadi (as a temp for 1.2F) and a mad
    vFloat tmp = s2vFloat16a(value);
    dst_reg[5] = a * tmp + 1.2F;

    v_if ((a >= 4.0F && a < 8.0F) || (a >= 12.0F && a < 16.0F)) {
        vInt b = exexp_nodebias(a);
        b &= 0xAA;
        v_if (b >= 130) {
            dst_reg[6] = setexp(a, 127);
    } v_elseif (a == s2vFloat16a(3.0F)) {
        // RISCV branch
        if (take_abs) {
            dst_reg[7] = abs(a);
        } else {
            dst_reg[7] = a;
    } v_else {
        vInt exp = lz(a) - 19;
        exp = ~exp;
        dst_reg[8] = -setexp(a, exp);

The main things to note from the example are:

  • Constants are expressed as scalars but are expanded to the width of the vector

  • v_if (and related) predicate execution of vector operations such that only enabled vector elements are written

  • The compiler views v_if and v_elseif as straight-line code, ie, both sides of the conditionals are executed

  • RISCV conditional and looping instructions work as expected (only one side executed)

  • Math expressions for vectors work across all enabled vector elements

  • Presently, v_endif is required to close out all v_if/v_elseif/v_else chains



All the data types/objects/etc. listed below fall within the sfpi namespace.

User Visible Data Types

The following data types are visible to the programmer:

  • vFloat

  • vInt

  • vUInt

  • enum LRegs

Each of the v types is a strongly typed wrapper around the weakly typed compiler data type __rvtt_vec_t. On Grayskull this is a vector of 64 19 bit values while on Wormhole this is a vector of 32 32 bit values.

LRegs are the SFPU’s general purpose vector registers. LRegs enumerates these registers.

User Visible Constants

Constant registers are implemented as objects which can be referenced wherever a vector can be used.

  • Grayskull:

    • vConst0

    • vConst0p6929

    • vConstNeg1p0068

    • vConst1p4424

    • vConst0p8369

    • vConstNeg0p5

    • vConst1

    • vConstNeg1

    • vConst0p0020

    • vConstNeg0p6748

    • vConstNeg0p3447

    • vConstTileId, enumerates the vector elements: [0..63]

  • Wormhole:

    • vConst0

    • vConst1

    • vConst0p8373

    • vConstNeg1

    • vConstTileId, counts by two through the vector elements: [0, 2, 4..62]

    • vConstFloatPrgm0, vConstIntPrgm0

    • vConstFloatPrgm1, vConstIntPrgm1

    • vConstFloatPrgm2, vConstIntPrgm2

User Visible Objects

  • dst_reg[] is an array used to access the destination register

  • l_reg[] is an array used to load/store to specific SFPU registers


The only macros used within the wrapper implement the predicated conditional processing mechanism. These (of course) do not fall within the SFPI namespace and for brevity run some chance of a namespace collision. They are:

  • v_if()

  • v_elseif()

  • v_else

  • v_endif

  • v_block

  • v_endblock

  • v_and()

The conditionals work mostly as expected but note the required v_endif at the end of an if/else chain. Forgetting this results in compilation errors as the v_if macro contains a { which is matched by the v_endif.

v_block and v_and allow for the following code to progressively “narrow” the CC state:

v_block {
    for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
        v1 = v1 - 1;
        v_and (v1 >= 0);
        v2 *= 2;

v_and can be used inside any predicated conditional block (i.e., a v_block or a v_if).

Data Type Details


  • Assignment: from float, dst_reg[n]

  • Conversion: reinterpret<AnotherVecType>() converts, in place, between vInt and vUInt and vFloat

  • Immediate loads: see section Immediate Floating Point Values below

  • Operators: +/-/* should work as expected with dst_reg[n], vFloat and vConst

  • Conditionals: all 6 (<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >) are supported. Note that <= and > pay a performance penalty relative to the others


  • Assignment: from integer, dst_reg[n]

  • Conversion: reinterpret<AnotherVecType>() converts, in place, between vFloat and vUInt

  • Operators: &, &=, |, |=, ~, ^, ^=, << and +, -, +=, -=, ++, --. (there is no signed right shift on Grayskull or Wormhole)

  • Conditionals: all 6 (<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >) are supported. Note that <= and > pay a performance penalty relative to the others


  • Assignment: from unsigned integer, dst_reg[n]

  • Conversion: reinterpret<AnotherVecType>() converts, in place, between vFloat and vInt

  • Operators: &, &=, |, |=, ~, ^, ^=, <<, >> and +, -, +=, -=, ++, --

  • Conditionals: all 6 (<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >) are supported. Note that <= and > pay a performance penalty relative to the others

Note that on Wormhole, the destination register format is always determined by the run time. So, for example, reading a vInt when the format is set to float32 gives unexpected results.


Below Vec means any vector type.

Below is a list of library calls, further documentation is below.

Grayskull and Wormhole

vInt exexp(const vFloat v)
vInt exexp_nodebias(const vFloat v)

Extracts, optionally debiases and then returns the 8-bit exponent in ‘’v’’ in bits 7:0.

vInt exman8(const vFloat v)
vInt exman9(const vFloat v)

Extracts and returns the mantissa of v. ‘’exman8’’ adds the hidden bit and pads the left side with 8 zeros while ‘’exman9’ does not include the hidden bit and pads the left side with 9 zeros.

vFloat setexp(const vFloat v, const uint32_t exp)
vFloat setexp(const vFloat v, const Vec[U]Short exp)

Replaces the exponent of ‘’v’’ with the exponent in bits 7:0 of ‘’exp’’ and returns the result (preserving the sign and mantissa of ‘’v’’).

vFloat setman(const vFloat v, const uint32_t man)
vFloat setman(const vFloat v, const Vec[U]Short man) // This does not work on GS due to a HW bug

Replaces the mantissa of ‘’v’’ with the mantissa in the low bits of ‘’man’’ and returns the result (preserving the sign and exponent of ‘’v’’).

vFloat setsgn(const vFloat v, const int32_t sgn)
vFloat setsgn(const vFloat v, const vFloat sgn)
vFloat setsgn(const vFloat v, const vInt sgn)

Replaces the sign bit of ‘’v’’ with the sign in ‘’sgn’’ and returns the result (preserving the exponent and mantissa of ‘’v’’). Note that the ‘’int32_t’’ version takes the sign from bit 0 while the ‘’vFloat’’ and ‘’vInt’’ versions take the sign from the sign bit location (bit 19 on GS and bit 32 on WH).

vFloat addexp(const vFloat v, const int32_t exp)

Adds the 8-bit value in ‘’exp’’ to the exponent of ‘’v’’ and returns the result (preserving the sign and mantissa of ‘’v’’).

vFloat lut(const vFloat v, const vUInt l0, const vUInt l1, const vUInt l2, const int offset)
vFloat lut_sign(const vFloat v, const vUInt l0, const vUInt l1, const vUInt l2, const int offset)
‘’l0’’, ‘’l1’’, ‘’l2’’ each contain 2 8-bit floating point values ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’ with ‘’A’’ in bits 15:8 and ‘’B’’ in bits 7:0. The 8-bit format is:
  • 0xFF represents the value 0, otherwise

  • bit[7] is the sign bit, bit[6:4] is the unsigned exponent_extender and bit[3:0] is the mantissa

Floating point representations of ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’ (19-bit on GS and 32-bit on WH) are constructed by:
  • Using the sign bit

  • Generating an 8-bit exponent as (127 – exponent_extender)

  • Generating a mantissa by padding the right of the specified 4 bit mantissa with 0s

‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’ are selected from one of ‘’l0’’, ‘’l1’’ or ‘’l2’’ based on the value in ‘’v’’ as follows:
  • ‘’l0’’ when ‘’v’’ < 0

  • ‘’l1’’ when ‘’v’’ == 0

  • ‘’l2’’ when ‘’v’’ > 0

XXXX is this backwards? Returns the result of the computation ‘’A * ABS(v) + B’’. The ‘’lut_sgn’’ variation discards the calculated sign bit and instead uses the sign of ‘’v’’.

vInt lz(Vec v)

Returns the count of leading (left-most) zeros of ‘’v’’.

vFloat abs(vFloat v)
vInt abs(vInt v)

Returns the absolute value of ‘’v’’.

vUInt shft(const vUInt v, const vInt amt)

Performs a left shift (when ‘’amt’’ is positive) or right shift (when ‘’amt’’ is negative) of ‘’v’’ by ‘’amt’’ bits.

Wormhole only

void vec_swap(Vec& A, Vec& B)

Swaps the (integer or floating point) vectors in ‘’A’’ and ‘’B’’.

void vec_min_max(Vec& min, Vec& max)

Compares and swaps each element of the two vectors such that on return ‘’min’’ contains all of the minimum values and ‘’max’’ contains all of the maximum values.

Vec subvec_shflror1(Vec& v)
Vec subvec_shflshr1(Vec& v)
void subvec_transp(Vec& A, Vec& B, Vec& C, Vec& D)
vInt lz_nosgn(const Vec v)

Returns the count of leading (left-most) zeros of ‘’v’’ ignoring the sign bit.

vFloat int_to_float(vInt in, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt float_to_fp16a(vFloat in, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt float_to_fp16b(vFloat in, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt float_to_uint8(vFloat in, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt float_to_int8(vFloat in, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt int32_to_uint8(vInt in, vUInt descale, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt int32_to_uint8(vInt in, unsigned int descale, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt int32_to_int8(vInt in, vUInt descale, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt int32_to_int8(vInt in, unsigned int descale, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt float_to_uint16(vFloat in, int round_mode = 1)
vUInt float_to_int16(vFloat in, int round_mode = 1)

Returns the rounded value performing round-to-even when ‘’round_mode’’ is 0 and stochastic rounding when ‘’round_mode’’ is 1.

Immediate Floating Point Values

Assigning a float to a vFloat behaves slightly different on Grayskull vs Wormhole. On Grayskull, the value is interpreted as an fp16b; use the conversion routines below to explicitly specify the format. On Wormhole, the floating point value is converted to an fp16a, fp16b, or fp32 by first looking to see if the range fits in fp16b and if not using fp16a (or fp32). If the value is not known at compile time, then it is loaded as an fp32. Note that on Wormhole fp32 loads take 2 cycles.

For more explicit conversions, use one of the classes s2vFloat16a and s2vFloat16b. Each takes either an integer or floating point value. Floating point immediate values are converted at compilation time and incur no overhead. Floating point variables that are not known at compilation time are converted at run time. An integer value loaded into floating point vector (via one of the conversion routines) is treated as a bit pattern and incurs no overhead, see examples below.

Note: fp16a conversions do not presently handle denorms/nans, etc. properly.

Example uses:

vFloat x = 1.0f;               // Load fb16b value
vFloat x = 500000.0f;          // GS load fp16b value, WH fp32 value
vFloat x = s2vFloat16a(3.0F);  // Load fp16a value, no overhead
unsigned int ui = 0x3c00;
vFloat x = s2vFloat16a(ui);    // Load fp16a value (1.0F), no overhead
float f = 1.0F;
vFloat x = s2vFloat16a(f);     // Load fp16a value, overhead if value cannot be determined at compile time

Boolean Operators

All conditionals operating on base types can be combined with any of &&, ||, !.


vBool doesn’t exist yet, but the functionality can be obtained by executing conditional instructions outside of a v_if and assigning the result to a vInt. This can be useful to, e.g., use RISCV code to conditionally generate an SFPU predicate. For example, the following function evaluates different predicated conditionals based on the value of a function parameter:

sfpi_inline vInt sfpu_is_fp16_zero(const vFloat& v, uint exponent_size_8)
    if (exponent_size_8) {
        return v == 0.0F;
    } else {
        vInt tmp = 0x3800; // loads {0, 8'd112, 10'b0}
        tmp += reinterpret<vInt>(v);
        return tmp == 0;

which may be called by:

v_if (sfpu_is_fp16_zero(v, exponent_size_8)) {

If exponent_size_8 is known at compile time, this has no overhead. If not, the predication is determined at runtime.

Assigning and Using Constant Registers

Programmable constant registers (Wormhole only) are accessed and assigned just like any other variables, for example:

vConstFloatPrgm0 = 3.14159265;
vFloat two_pi = 2.0f * vConstFloatPrgm0;

Writing to a constant register first loads the constant into a temporary LReg then assigns the LReg to the constant register and so takes 1 cycle longer than just loading an LReg. Accessing a constant register is just as fast as accessing an LReg. Loading a constant register loads the same value into all vector elements.

Assigning LRegs

Some highly optimized code may call a function prior to the kernel to pre-load values into specific LRegs and then access those values in the kernel. Note that if the register’s value must be preserved when the kernel exits, you must restore the value explicitly by assigning back into the LReg.

For example:

vFloat x = l_reg[LRegs::LReg1];  // x is now LReg1
vFloat y = x + 2.0f;
l_reg[LRegs::LReg1] = x;         // this is necessary at the end of the function
                                 // to preserve the value in LReg1 (if desired)


Register Pressure Management

Note that the wrapper introduces temporaries in a number of places. For example:

dst_reg[0] = dst_reg[0] + dst_reg[1];

loads dst_reg[0] and dst_reg[1] into temporary LREGs (as expected).

The compiler will not spill registers. Exceeding the number of registers available will result in the cryptic: error: cannot store SFPU register (reigster spill?) - exiting! without a line number.

The compiler does a reasonable job with lifetime analysis when assigning variables to registers. Reloading or recalculating results helps the compiler free up and re-use registers and is a good way to correct a spilling error.

Grayskull has 4 general purpose LRegs, Wormhole has 8.


There is a basic optimizer in place. The optimization philosophy to date is to enable the programmer to write optimal code. This is different from mainstream compilers which may generate optimal code given non-optimal source. For example, common sub-expression elimination and the like are not implemented. The optimizer will handle the following items:

  • MAD generation (from MUL/ADD)

  • MULI, ADDI generation (from MUL + const, or ADD + const)

  • Adding a 0.5f to the end of ADD/MULL/MAD/MULI/ADDI (Grayskull only)

  • Swapping the order of arguments to instructions that use the destination-as-source, e.g., SFPOR to minimize the need for register moves

  • CC enables (PUSHC, POPC, etc.)

  • Instruction combining for comparison operations. For example, a subtract of 5 followed by a compare against 0 gets combined into one operation

  • Wormhole only: NOP insertion for instructions which must be followed by an independent instruction or NOP. Note that this pass (presently) does not move instructions to fill the slot but will skip adding a NOP if the next instruction is independent. In other words, reordering your code to reduce dependent chains of instructions may improve performance

There is a potential pitfall in the above in that the MAD generator could change code which would not run out of registers with, say, a MULI followed by an ADDI into code that runs out of registers with a MAD. (future todo to fix this).


The SFPREPLAY instruction available on Wormhole allows the RISCV processor to submit up to 32 SFP instructions at once. The compiler looks for sequences of instructions that repeat, stores these and then “replays” them later.

The current implementation of this is very much first cut: it does not handle kernels with rolled up loops very well. Best performance is typically attained by unrolling the top level loop and then letting the compiler find the repetitions and replace them with SFPREPLAY. This works well when the main loop contains < 32 instructions, but performance starts to degrade again as the number of instructions grows (future work).

The other issue that can arise with SFPREPLAY is that sometimes the last unrolled loop of instructions uses different registers than the prior loops resulting in imperfect utilization of the replay.


There is an emulator for the SFPU that works at the __builtin level. Compilation and runtime are extremely fast (sub 1 second) so this may be useful during development.

Look in the file main.cc in the sfpi submodule under src/ckernels, there is an example kernel there to lead the way.

The main difference between compilation and running on HW is that the emulator has an infinite number of registers and so code that runs there may fail on the HW due to spilling. The Makefile builds for both rv32 (generating a .S file) and x86 (to run through emulation) and so an “out of registers” message for rv32 tells you you have work to do.

The emulator for WH is not fully implemented (missing some of the new WH specific instructions)


The sfpi submodule contains a tools directory. cd into that directory and type make to build fp16c which is a converter that converts floating point values to fp16a, fp16b and the LUT instruction’s fp8 as well as the other way (integer to float/fp16a/fp16b/fp8). This is useful for writing optimal code or looking through assembly dumps.


Arrays/Storing to Memory

The SFPU can only read/write vectors to/from the destination register, it cannot read/write them to memory. Therefore, SFPI does not support arrays of vectors. Using arrays may work if the optimizer is able to optimize out the loads/stores, however, this is brittle and so is not recommended. Storing a vector to memory will result in an error similar to the following:

tt-metal/tt_metal/hw/ckernels/sfpi/include/sfpi.h:792:7: error: cannot write sfpu vector to memory
  792 |     v = (initialized) ? __builtin_rvtt_sfpassign_lv(v, in) : in;
      |       ^
/tt-metal/tt_metal/hw/ckernels/sfpi/include/sfpi.h:792:7: error: cannot write sfpu vector to memory

Function Calls

There is no ABI and none of the vector types can be passed on the stack. Therefore, all function calls must be inlined. To ensure this use sfpi_inline, which is defined to __attribute__((always_inline)) on GCC.

Register Spilling

The compiler does not implement register spilling. Since Grayskull only has 4 LRegs, running out of registers is a common occurrence. If you see the following: error: cannot store SFPU register (reigster spill?) - exiting! you have most likely run out of registers.

Error Messages

Unfortunately, many errors are attributed to the code in the wrapper rather than in the code being written. For example, using an uninitialized variable would show an error at a macro called by a wrapper function before showing the line number in the user’s code.


  • Forgetting a v_endif results in mismatched {} error which can be confusing (however, catches the case where a v_endif is missing!)

  • In general, incorrect use of vector operations (e.g., accidentally using a scalar argument instead of a vector) results in warnings/errors within the wrapper rather than in the calling code

  • Keeping too many variables alive at once (4 on GS) requires register spilling which is not implemented and causes a compiler abort

  • The gcc compiler occasionally moves a value from one register to another for no apparent reason. At this point it appears there is nothing that can be done about this besides hoping that the issue is fixed in a future version of gcc.