Matmul (Single Core)
We’ll build a program that will perform matmul operations on two tensors with equal-size inner dimension. We will then go through specific sections of the program.
The full example program is in
To build and execute, you may use the following commands. Note that we include the necessary environment variables here, but you may possibly need more depending on the most up-to-date installation methods.
export ARCH_NAME=<arch name>
export TT_METAL_HOME=<this repo dir>
Host Code
The initial level of host-side code can broken up into sections:
Create Device
Set input and output vector variables, using the user-defined parameters (M, N, K, B)
Tilizing the input vector, and untilizing the device output to vector (row-major layout)
program and retrieve output results (details in next section)Validate the device computation results vs. golden results on cpu
Close Device
/* Create source data */
constexpr uint32_t M = 640; // user-defined
constexpr uint32_t N = 640; // user-defined
constexpr uint32_t K = 640; // user-defined
constexpr uint32_t B = 1; // user-defined
uint32_t Mt = M / TILE_HEIGHT;
uint32_t Kt = K / TILE_WIDTH;
uint32_t Nt = N / TILE_WIDTH;
constexpr uint32_t single_tile_size = 2 * 1024;
uint32_t dram_buffer_A_size = single_tile_size * Mt * Kt; // num_tiles of FP16_B
uint32_t dram_buffer_B_size = single_tile_size * Nt * Kt; // num_tiles of FP16_B
uint32_t dram_buffer_C_size = single_tile_size * Mt * Nt; // num_tiles of FP16_B
/* input vectors */
std::vector<bfloat16> src0_vec = create_random_vector_of_bfloat16_native(dram_buffer_A_size, 1, 123);
std::vector<bfloat16> src1_vec = create_random_vector_of_bfloat16_native(dram_buffer_B_size, 1, 12522);
/* Input vector tilizing */
tilize(src0_vec, M, K);
tilize(src1_vec, K, N);
/* Calling the MatMul host program. Read in result into a host vector */
vector<bfloat16> result_vec(dram_buffer_C_size/sizeof(bfloat16));
matmul_single_core(src0_vec, src1_vec, result_vec, false, M, N, K, B, device);
untilize(result_vec, M, N);
We are keeping all code details with specific host API calls inside
, allowing for calling consecutive functions in the
main function.
Main blocks in matmul_single_core function
We will go through sections of the matmul_single_core
Program, enqueue and core range settings
Create DRAM buffers based on input and output vectors
Create L1 Circular buffers
Kernels declarations and related compile and runtime arguments
Program launch and reading data from DRAM output buffer to result vector
Create Program, Enqueue initialization, and core range definition
We want a just a single core, so we will restrict the core range to be just one core at (0, 0).
CommandQueue& cq = detail::GetCommandQueue(device);
Program program{};
CoreRange core({0, 0}, {0, 0});
Create DRAM buffers & Circular buffers
In terms of DRAM buffers, we need two source buffers and one destination buffer.
// MN = MK*KN
uint32_t Mt = M / TILE_HEIGHT;
uint32_t Kt = K / TILE_WIDTH;
uint32_t Nt = N / TILE_WIDTH;
DataFormat cb_data_format = DataFormat::Float16_b;
uint32_t single_tile_size = detail::TileSize(cb_data_format);
MathFidelity math_fidelity = MathFidelity::HiFi4;
//uint32_t single_tile_size = detail::TileSize(cb_data_format);
uint32_t single_tile_size = 2 * 1024;
uint32_t dram_buffer_A_size = single_tile_size * Mt * Kt; // num_tiles of FP16_B, hard-coded in the reader/writer kernels
uint32_t dram_buffer_B_size = single_tile_size * Nt * Kt; // num_tiles of FP16_B, hard-coded in the reader/writer kernels
uint32_t dram_buffer_C_size = single_tile_size * Mt * Nt; // num_tiles of FP16_B, hard-coded in the reader/writer kernels
/* DRAM buffer size == input full size */
/* limiting page_size == single tile size; to allow DRAM channels interleaving */
tt_metal::InterleavedBufferConfig buff_A_config{
.size = dram_buffer_A_size,
.page_size = single_tile_size,
.buffer_type = tt_metal::BufferType::DRAM
tt_metal::InterleavedBufferConfig buff_B_config{
.size = dram_buffer_B_size,
.page_size = single_tile_size,
.buffer_type = tt_metal::BufferType::DRAM
tt_metal::InterleavedBufferConfig buff_C_config{
.size = dram_buffer_C_size,
.page_size = single_tile_size,
.buffer_type = tt_metal::BufferType::DRAM
Buffer src0_dram_buffer = CreateBuffer(buff_A_config);
Buffer src1_dram_buffer = CreateBuffer(buff_B_config);
Buffer dst_dram_buffer = CreateBuffer(buff_C_config);
uint32_t src0_addr = src0_dram_buffer.address();
uint32_t src1_addr = src1_dram_buffer.address();
uint32_t dst_addr = dst_dram_buffer.address();
We need to declare three circular buffers to enable data transfer between the reader, compute, and writer engines. Input tiles count is 2 because although the computation is a single tile process, we want to get a performance boost by double buffering..
uint32_t src0_cb_index = CB::c_in0; //0
uint32_t num_input_tiles = 2;
tt_metal::CircularBufferConfig cb_src0_config = tt_metal::CircularBufferConfig(num_input_tiles * single_tile_size, {{src0_cb_index, cb_data_format}})
.set_page_size(src0_cb_index, single_tile_size);
auto cb_src0 = tt_metal::CreateCircularBuffer(program, core, cb_src0_config);
uint32_t src1_cb_index = CB::c_in1; // 1
tt_metal::CircularBufferConfig cb_src1_config = tt_metal::CircularBufferConfig(num_input_tiles * single_tile_size, {{src1_cb_index, cb_data_format}})
.set_page_size(src1_cb_index, single_tile_size);
auto cb_src1 = tt_metal::CreateCircularBuffer(program, core, cb_src1_config);
uint32_t output_cb_index = CB::c_out0; // output operands start at index 16
uint32_t num_output_tiles = 2;
tt_metal::CircularBufferConfig cb_output_config = tt_metal::CircularBufferConfig(num_output_tiles * single_tile_size, {{output_cb_index, cb_data_format}})
.set_page_size(output_cb_index, single_tile_size);
auto cb_output = tt_metal::CreateCircularBuffer(program, core, cb_output_config);
Compile-time kernels arguments
We have to declare some compile-time arguments for read/write kernels. Some default parameters here will suffice.
bool src0_is_dram = src0_dram_buffer.buffer_type() == tt_metal::BufferType::DRAM ? 1 : 0;
bool src1_is_dram = src1_dram_buffer.buffer_type() == tt_metal::BufferType::DRAM ? 1 : 0;
std::vector<uint32_t> reader_compile_time_args = {(uint32_t)src0_is_dram, (uint32_t)src1_is_dram};
bool dst_is_dram = dst_dram_buffer.buffer_type() == tt_metal::BufferType::DRAM ? 1 : 0;
std::vector<uint32_t> writer_compile_time_args = {(uint32_t)dst_is_dram};
vector<uint32_t> compute_args = {
B, // B
Mt, // Mt
Kt, // Kt
Nt // Nt
Compute kernel declaration and compile-time defines
We’re using a special reader kernel to take in data from DRAM into L1, and a special writer kernel to write out results from the compute engine back to the destination DRAM buffer.
auto reader_id = tt_metal::CreateDataMovementKernel(
tt_metal::DataMovementConfig{.processor = DataMovementProcessor::RISCV_1, .noc = NOC::RISCV_1_default, .compile_args = reader_compile_time_args});
auto writer_id = tt_metal::CreateDataMovementKernel(
tt_metal::DataMovementConfig{.processor = DataMovementProcessor::RISCV_0, .noc = NOC::RISCV_0_default, .compile_args = writer_compile_time_args});
auto matmul_single_core_kernel_id = tt_metal::CreateComputeKernel(
tt_metal::ComputeConfig{.math_fidelity = math_fidelity, .compile_args = compute_args}
Runtime arguments and program launch
We will now set runtime arguments for the reader and writer kernels to run the matmul operation on a single core and a single tile at a time.
program, reader_id, core,
{src0_addr, src1_addr, Mt, Kt, Nt, Mt*Kt, Kt*Nt, B, uint32_t(bcast_batch ? 1 : 0)}
program, writer_id, core,
{dst_addr, 0, Mt, Kt, Nt, Mt*Kt, Kt*Nt, B}
Launch program, enqueue & read in output buffer result into the host vector.
EnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, src0_dram_buffer,, false);
EnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, src1_dram_buffer,, false);
EnqueueProgram(cq, program, false);
EnqueueReadBuffer(cq, dst_dram_buffer,, true);
Those are the additional steps for getting matmul_single_core
operations up
and running on the compute engine. To see a more complicated example using as
many cores as possible, please refer to please refer to the Matmul
multi-core example.