This is the complete list of members for mlir::tt::DeviceAttr, including all inherited members.
dialectName | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
get(::mlir::MLIRContext *context, SystemDescAttr systemDesc, ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape, ArrayRef< unsigned > chipIds) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
get(::mlir::MLIRContext *context, SystemDescAttr systemDesc, ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape={}) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
get(::mlir::MLIRContext *context, ::mlir::tt::GridAttr workerGrid, AffineMap l1Map, AffineMap dramMap, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape, ::llvm::ArrayRef< unsigned > chipIds) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
getChecked(::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError, ::mlir::MLIRContext *context, ::mlir::tt::GridAttr workerGrid, AffineMap l1Map, AffineMap dramMap, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape, ::llvm::ArrayRef< unsigned > chipIds) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
getChipIds() const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
getDramMap() const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
getL1Map() const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
getLayoutSizeBytes(ArrayRef< int64_t > tensorShape, MetalLayoutAttr layout, MemorySpace memorySpace) const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
getMapForMemorySpace(MemorySpace memorySpace) const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | inline |
getMeshShape() const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
getMnemonic() | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | inlinestatic |
getTensorSizeBytes(RankedTensorType tensorType, MemorySpace memorySpace) const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
getWorkerGrid() const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
name | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
parse(::mlir::AsmParser &odsParser, ::mlir::Type odsType) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
print(::mlir::AsmPrinter &odsPrinter) const | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | |
verify(::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError, ::mlir::tt::GridAttr workerGrid, AffineMap l1Map, AffineMap dramMap, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape, ::llvm::ArrayRef< unsigned > chipIds) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
verifyInvariants(::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError, ::mlir::tt::GridAttr workerGrid, AffineMap l1Map, AffineMap dramMap, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape, ::llvm::ArrayRef< unsigned > chipIds) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |
verifyInvariantsImpl(::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError, ::mlir::tt::GridAttr workerGrid, AffineMap l1Map, AffineMap dramMap, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int64_t > meshShape, ::llvm::ArrayRef< unsigned > chipIds) | mlir::tt::DeviceAttr | static |