This is the complete list of members for mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp, including all inherited members.
Adaptor typedef | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
build(::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::Type result, ::mlir::Value input, ::mlir::DenseI32ArrayAttr padding, ::mlir::FloatAttr value) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
build(::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::TypeRange resultTypes, ::mlir::Value input, ::mlir::DenseI32ArrayAttr padding, ::mlir::FloatAttr value) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
build(::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::Type result, ::mlir::Value input, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int32_t > padding, ::llvm::APFloat value) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
build(::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::TypeRange resultTypes, ::mlir::Value input, ::llvm::ArrayRef< int32_t > padding, ::llvm::APFloat value) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
build(::mlir::OpBuilder &, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::TypeRange resultTypes, ::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute > attributes={}) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
computePropertiesHash(const Properties &prop) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
FoldAdaptor typedef | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
GenericAdaptor typedef | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
getAttributeNameForIndex(unsigned index) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inlineprivate |
getAttributeNameForIndex(::mlir::OperationName name, unsigned index) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inlineprivatestatic |
getAttributeNames() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getEffects(::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::SideEffects::EffectInstance<::mlir::MemoryEffects::Effect >> &effects) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
getInherentAttr(::mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, const Properties &prop, llvm::StringRef name) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
getInput() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getInputMutable() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getODSOperandIndexAndLength(unsigned index) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getODSOperands(unsigned index) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getODSResultIndexAndLength(unsigned index) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getODSResults(unsigned index) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getOperationName() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inlinestatic |
getPadding() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
getPaddingAttr() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getPaddingAttrName() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getPaddingAttrName(::mlir::OperationName name) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inlinestatic |
getPropertiesAsAttr(::mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, const Properties &prop) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
getResult() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getValue() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
getValueAttr() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getValueAttrName() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
getValueAttrName(::mlir::OperationName name) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inlinestatic |
populateInherentAttrs(::mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, const Properties &prop, ::mlir::NamedAttrList &attrs) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
Properties typedef | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
readProperties(::mlir::DialectBytecodeReader &reader, ::mlir::OperationState &state) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
setInherentAttr(Properties &prop, llvm::StringRef name, mlir::Attribute value) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
setPadding(::llvm::ArrayRef< int32_t > attrValue) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
setPaddingAttr(::mlir::DenseI32ArrayAttr attr) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
setPropertiesFromAttr(Properties &prop, ::mlir::Attribute attr, ::llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
setValue(::llvm::APFloat attrValue) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
setValueAttr(::mlir::FloatAttr attr) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | inline |
verify() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
verifyInherentAttrs(::mlir::OperationName opName, ::mlir::NamedAttrList &attrs, llvm::function_ref<::mlir::InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | static |
verifyInvariants() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
verifyInvariantsImpl() | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp | |
writeProperties(::mlir::DialectBytecodeWriter &writer) | mlir::tt::ttir::PadOp |