

The Watcher consists of two components: one instruments the firmware and kernels to catch common programming errors and the other launches a thread on the host which periodically monitors the status of the device. If a programming error is encountered, the Watcher stops the program and reports the error. If a hang occurs, the data in the log shows the state of the device at the time of the hang. Watcher functionality includes:

  • Logged “waypoints” indicate which piece of code last executed on each RISC V

  • Sanitized NOC transactions prevent transactions with invalid coordinates or addresses from being submitted to the hardware and stops the offending RISC V via a soft hang

  • Memory corruption detection at address 0 of L1

  • Kernel paths and names of the currently executing kernel

  • Flags which indicate which RISC Vs are executing in the current kernel


Enable the Watcher by setting the following environment variables:

export TT_METAL_WATCHER=120        # the number of seconds between Watcher updates (longer is less invasive)
export TT_METAL_WATCHER_APPEND=1   # optional: append to the end of the existing log file (vs creating a new file)
export TT_METAL_WATCHER_DUMP_ALL=1 # optional: dump all state including unsafe state

Note that TT_METAL_WATCHER_DUMP_ALL dumps state that can lead to a hang when a kernel is running. Only set this if needed and use a time interval large enough to ensure the kernel is stopped when the Watcher polls.

After starting the program, the log messages will indicate when the watcher attaches/detaches from a device and where the log file is stored as well as a message each time the watcher checks the device.

Watcher features can be disabled individually using the following environment variables:


# In certain cases enabling watcher can cause the binary to be too large. In this case, disable inlining.


When enabled the Watcher both dumps status updates to a log file and stops execution if a fatal error (e.g., bad NOC address) is encountered. The log file contains one line for each core with a cryptic status. The top of the log file includes a legend to help decipher the results. One datum is the last “waypoint” each of the 5 RISCVs encountered as a string of up to 4 characters. These waypoints can be inserted into kernel/firmware code as shown below:

#include "debug/status.h"

void noc_semaphore_wait(volatile tt_l1_ptr uint32_t* sem_addr, uint32_t val) {
    while ((*sem_addr) != val)

Waypoints have no overhead when the watcher is disabled and can be used inside user written kernels. They indicate the last code block executed before a hang condition (e.g., waiting for data that never arrives). This mechanism is separate from the fault detection mechanism.

The characters in a waypoint name are a mnemonic unique to each waypoint. By convention, the last character is one of:

  • W: waiting at the top of a loop

  • D: done waiting after a loop

When dumping state for each RISC V, the Watcher always dumps in the order BRISC, NCRISC, TRISC0, TRISC1, TRISC2.

The path to the log file is printed to the screen during application initialization when the watcher is enabled.

gdb Integration

The Watcher state can be dumped using gdb regardless of whether or not the Watcher was enabled; however, if it is disabled the dumped state won’t include the debug only state such as waypoints. In the example below, gdb’s responses to commands have been removed for brevity. After attaching to the program and stopping it with ctl-c:

thread 1   # make sure the main thread is present
up         # repeat until in the "tt" namespace (not in, e.g., template library code)
call tt::watcher::dump(stderr, true) # the "true" at the end enables dumping HW registers


The log file will contain lines such as the following:

Core (x=1,y=1):    CWFW,CRBW,R,R,R rmsg:D0G|BNT smsg:GGGG k_ids:4|3|5
  • The hang above originated on core (1,1) in physical coords (i.e., the top left core)

  • BRISC last hit waypoint CWFW (CB Wait Front Wait), NCRISC hit CRBW (NOC CB Reserve Back Wait) and each TRISC is in the Run R state (running a kernel). Look in the source (dataflow_api.h primarily) to decode the obscure names, search for DEBUG_STATUS

  • The run message rmsg sent from the host to the device, says the kernel was Device D dispatched, BRISC is using NOC 0 (NCRISC is using the other NOC, NOC 1), the host run state is Go G and each of BRISC, NCRISC and TRISC kernels are running (capital BNT; lowercase would signify no kernel running)

  • The slave message smsg sent from BRISC to the other RISC Vs are all Go G; D would indicate Done

  • The kernel IDs k_ids running are 4 on BRISC, 3 on NCRISC and 5 on TRISC; look further down the log file to see the names and paths to those kernels


Asserts are supported in kernel code. When the watcher is disabled, asserts will be compiled out. When the watcher is enabled, tripping an assert will cause the program to exit, and report which assert was tripped. An example of an assert and the resulting message is shown below:

#include "debug/assert.h"  // Required in all kernels using watcher asserts
#include "debug/status.h"  // Pair the assert with a status to see which assert is tripped

void kernel_main() {
    uint32_t a = get_arg_val<uint32_t>(0);
    uint32_t b = get_arg_val<uint32_t>(1);

    ASSERT(a != b);

If this assert was tripped, the kernel will hang, and a message will be reported on stderr as well as in the watcher log file:

# For example, the kernel running on device 0, core (1,1), brisc trips an assert. The last waypoint will also be shown.
# Note that the reported line number may be from an included header file, rather than from the kernel source.
Device 0, Core (x=1,y=1):    AST1,R,R,R,R  brisc tripped assert on line 7. Running kernel: my_kernel.cpp.


Temporarily pausing a kernel on the device is supported using the PAUSE macro. When the watcher is disabled, pauses will be compiled out. When a pause is hit, the kernel on the device will wait for a signal from the user (via pressing ENTER as prompted on the command line). Note that while waiting for a pause to be cleared, the watcher server is temporarily halted, and regular polling only resumes after the user has given the unpause signal. An example of a pause and resulting message is shown below:

#include "debug/pause.h"

void kernel_main() {
    // Other parts of the kernel...
    PAUSE();  // Kernel halts here until user presses ENTER on the console.
    // Rest of the kernel...

The resulting message will be printed on the command line (and watcher log):

INFO     | Paused cores: (x=1,y=1):brisc
Press ENTER to unpause core(s) and continue...

Ring Buffer

A small ring buffer is available on each core, accessible via the WATCHER_RING_BUFFER_PUSH() macro. This ring buffer has 31 uint32_t elements, and when more than the max amounts of elements are pushed into the buffer, the oldest are overwritten. When the watcher is disabled, the ring buffer is still present, but any writes to it are compiled out. An example of pushing data to the ring buffer, and the resulting log is shown below.

Important: the ring buffer does not have any synchronization for writes between difference RISCs on the same core. Calling WATCHER_RING_BUFFER_PUSH() from different RISCs in the same core at the same time is undefined behaviour.

#include "debug/ring_buffer.h"

void kernel_main() {
    for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 40; idx++) {

The contents of the ring buffer for each core (if values have been written) will be shown in the watcher log:

# The ring buffer has a size of 31 elements, therefore writing 40 entries into the buffer will
# result in the oldest 9 entries being dropped. Entries are printed starting with the most recent.
Core (x=1,y=1):    R,R,R,R,R rmsg:D0G|BNT smsg:GGGG k_ids:1|0|0

Debug Delays

Watcher can insert NOC transaction delays for debugging purposes. These delays can be specified by transaction type and location. Environment variable TT_METAL_WATCHER_DELAY specifies the number of clock cycles to wait for. Similarly to DPRINT, the delay can be set for all cores, or a or a subset by setting environment variable TT_METAL_*_DEBUG_DELAY_CORES: x,y OR (x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3) OR (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) OR all. The * can be one of: READ, WRITE or ATOMIC indicating whether the delays will be inserted before read, write or atomic NOC transactions. Finally, the delay can be set for a specific RISCs (BRISC, NCRISC, TRISC0, TRISC1, TRISC2) through the environment variable TT_METAL_*_DEBUG_DELAY_RISCVS: (one of: BR,NC,TR0,TR1,TR2); if not set, the delay is applied to all RISCs. Note that TT_METAL_WATCHER must be set and TT_METAL_WATCHER_DISABLE_NOC_SANITIZE must not be set for the delays to be applied.

For example, the following command will run test_eltwise_binary with a delay of 10 iterations added to both READ and WRITE transactions on BRISC core at location 0,0: