Controlling Compiler Behaviour

You can use the following environment variables to override default behaviour:

Environment VariableBehaviourDefault
TT_TORCH_COMPILE_DEPTHSets the maximum compile depth, see tt_torch/tools/ for options.EXECUTE
TT_TORCH_VERIFY_OP_BY_OPSets whether to verify the output of each compiled op against pytorch when running with compile depth EXECUTE_OP_BY_OP.False
TT_TORCH_VERIFY_INTERMEDIATESSets whether to verify runtime intermediates during execution.False
TT_TORCH_CONSTEVALEnables evaluation of constant expressions (consteval) in the Torch FX graph prior to compilation.False
TT_TORCH_CONSTEVAL_PARAMETERSExtends consteval to include parameters (e.g., model weights) as well as embedded constants.False
TT_TORCH_EMBEDDEDD_CONSTANTSRemove embedded constants from the Torch FX graph and convert them to constant inputsFalse
TT_TORCH_IR_LOG_LEVELEnables printing MLIR from Torch to TTNN. It supports two modes; INFO and DEBUG. INFO prints MLIR for all conversions steps (Torch, StableHLO, TTIR and TTNN MLIR graphs). DEBUG prints intermediate MLIR for all passes (IR dump before and after each pass) additionally. Be warned, DEBUG IR printing forces single core compile, so it is much slower.Disable