1. Introduction
  2. User guide
  3. Overview
  4. Building
  5. Testing
  6. Controlling Compiler
  7. Pre-commit
  8. Models
  9. Supported Models
  10. Operations
  11. Operations
    1. StableHLO Operations
      1. Arith Constant
      2. Stablehlo Add
      3. Stablehlo And
      4. Stablehlo Broadcast_In_Dim
      5. Stablehlo Ceil
      6. Stablehlo Clamp
      7. Stablehlo Compare
      8. Stablehlo Concatenate
      9. Stablehlo Constant
      10. Stablehlo Convert
      11. Stablehlo Convolution
      12. Stablehlo Cosine
      13. Stablehlo Divide
      14. Stablehlo Dot_General
      15. Stablehlo Dynamic_Iota
      16. Stablehlo Exponential
      17. Stablehlo Floor
      18. Stablehlo Gather
      19. Stablehlo Iota
      20. Stablehlo Log
      21. Stablehlo Logistic
      22. Stablehlo Maximum
      23. Stablehlo Minimum
      24. Stablehlo Multiply
      25. Stablehlo Negate
      26. Stablehlo Not
      27. Stablehlo Power
      28. Stablehlo Reduce_Stablehlo Add
      29. Stablehlo Reduce_Stablehlo And
      30. Stablehlo Reduce_Stablehlo Maximum
      31. Stablehlo Reduce_Window_Stablehlo Add
      32. Stablehlo Remainder
      33. Stablehlo Reshape
      34. Stablehlo Reverse
      35. Stablehlo Rng
      36. Stablehlo Rsqrt
      37. Stablehlo Scatter
      38. Stablehlo Select
      39. Stablehlo Sine
      40. Stablehlo Slice
      41. Stablehlo Sqrt
      42. Stablehlo Subtract
      43. Stablehlo Tanh
      44. Stablehlo Transpose
      45. Tensor Empty
    2. TTNN Operations
      1. Ttnn Add
      2. Ttnn Arange
      3. Ttnn Clamp
      4. Ttnn Concat
      5. Ttnn Conv2D
      6. Ttnn Cos
      7. Ttnn Div
      8. Ttnn Embedding
      9. Ttnn Empty
      10. Ttnn Eq
      11. Ttnn Exp
      12. Ttnn From_Device
      13. Ttnn Full
      14. Ttnn Ge
      15. Ttnn Get_Device
      16. Ttnn Gt
      17. Ttnn Log1P
      18. Ttnn Logical_Not
      19. Ttnn Lt
      20. Ttnn Matmul
      21. Ttnn Max
      22. Ttnn Max_Pool2D
      23. Ttnn Maximum
      24. Ttnn Minimum
      25. Ttnn Moreh_Cumsum
      26. Ttnn Multiply
      27. Ttnn Ne
      28. Ttnn Neg
      29. Ttnn Pad
      30. Ttnn Permute
      31. Ttnn Pow
      32. Ttnn Prod
      33. Ttnn Reshape
      34. Ttnn Rsqrt
      35. Ttnn Scatter
      36. Ttnn Sigmoid
      37. Ttnn Sin
      38. Ttnn Slice
      39. Ttnn Subtract
      40. Ttnn Sum
      41. Ttnn Tanh
      42. Ttnn To_Device
      43. Ttnn To_Layout
      44. Ttnn Typecast
      45. Ttnn Where