
General Overview

When comparing our compiled model with the framework model (e.g., PyTorch model running on host), we aim to verify whether the output from the compiled model is sufficiently similar to the output from the framework model (where required degree of similarity is configurable).

So generally we want to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a framework model.
  2. Run a forward pass through the framework model.
  3. Compile the framework model using Forge.
  4. Run a forward pass through the compiled model.
  5. Compare the outputs.

Most of the above steps verify() function does for us:

  • Handles forward passes for both framework and compiled models
  • Compares results using a combination of comparison methods
  • Supports customization through the VerifyConfig class.

Example of usage

def test_add():

	class Add(nn.Module):
		def __init__(self):

		def forward(self, a, b):
			return a + b

	inputs = [torch.rand(2, 32, 32), torch.rand(2, 32, 32)]

	framework_model = Add()
	compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, sample_inputs=inputs)

	verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model)


  • If you only want to compile model and perform forward pass without comparing outputs you can just:
framework_model = Add()
compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, sample_inputs=inputs)

fw_out = framework_model(*inputs)
co_out = compiled_model(*inputs)

Verify Config Overview

If VerifyConfig isn't passed as a param, default one will be used. Currently through VerifyConfig you can disable/enable:

FeatureNameEnabled (default)
Verification as a methodenabledTrue
Number of output tensors checkverify_sizeTrue
Output tensor data type checkverify_dtypeTrue
Output tensor shape checkverify_shapeTrue

For more information about VerifyConfig you can check forge/forge/verify/

Example of usage

framework_model = Add()
compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, sample_inputs=inputs)

verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(verify_dtype=False))

Besides that, config also includes value checker. There are 3 types of checker:

  • AutomaticValueChecker (default)
  • AllCloseValueChecker
  • FullValueChecker

For more information about Checkers you can look at forge/forge/verify/



This checker performs tensor checks based on the shape and type of tensor (e.g. for scalars it will perform torch.allclose as pcc shouldn't be applied to the scalars)

For this checker you can set:

  • pcc
  • rtol
  • atol
  • dissimilarity_threshold

Example of usage:

# default behavior
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model)
# this will result same as the default behavior
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AutomaticValueChecker())
# setting pcc and rtol
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AutomaticValueChecker(pcc=0.95, rtol=1e-03)))


This checker checks tensors using torch.allclose method.

For this checker you can set:

  • rtol
  • atol

Example of usage:

# setting allclose checker with default values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AllCloseValueChecker()))
# setting allclose checker with custom values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AllCloseValueChecker(rtol=1e-03)))


This checker is combination of AutomaticValueChecker and AllCloseValueChecker.

For this checker you can set:

  • pcc
  • rtol
  • atol
  • dissimilarity_threshold

Examples of usage:

# setting full checker with default values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=FullValueChecker())
# setting full checker with custom values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=FullValueChecker(pcc=0.95, rtol=1e-03)))