
The TT-Forge FE is a graph compiler designed to optimize and transform computational graphs for deep learning models, enhancing their performance and efficiency.

Built on top of the TT-MLIR backend, TT-Forge FE is an integral component of the TT-Forge project, which provides a comprehensive suite of tools for optimizing and deploying deep learning models on Tenstorrent hardware.

Main project goals are:

  • Provide abstraction of many different frontend frameworks (PyTorch, TensorFlow, ONNX, etc.)
  • Compile many kinds of model architectures without custom modification and with great performance (e.g. Transformers, CNNs, etc.)
  • Abstract all Tenstorrent device architectures (e.g. Wormhole, Blackhole, etc.)

Getting Started


You choose between two ways to setup our project:

  • Install pre-built wheel
  • Building from source

Install using Wheel

Wheel installation instructions will be provided soon. Stay tuned!

Build from Source

To build Forge-FE from source, you need to clone the project from our GitHub page:

git clone

Afterwards, you can follow our build instructions which outline prerequisites, as well as how to build dependencies and our project.

Run First Example Case

To confirm that our environment is properly setup, let's run one sanity test for element-wise add operation:

pytest forge/test/mlir/operators/eltwise_binary/

In a few seconds, you should get confirmation if this test passed successfully. Once that's done, we can run one of our model tests as well:

pytest forge/test/mlir/llama/tests/

Where to Go Next

Now that you have set up Forge-FE, you can try to compile and run your own models!

For a quick start, here is an example of how to run your own model. Note the introduction of the forge.compile call:

import torch
from transformers import ResNetForImageClassification

def resnet():
    # Load image, pre-process, etc.

    # Load model (e.g. from HuggingFace)
    framework_model = ResNetForImageClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/resnet-50")

    # Compile the model using Forge
    compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, input_image)

    # Run compiled model
    logits = compiled_model(input_image)

    # Post-process output, return results, etc.

Architecture Overview

TT-Forge is a comprehensive compiler designed to facilitate the development and optimization of machine learning models. It encompasses various components, each serving a specific purpose in the compiling and running machine learning pipelines. This document provides an overview of the key components with focus on TT-Forge-FE.

Table of contents

TT-Forge Overview

TT-Forge Overview

TT-TVM Overview

TT-TVM Overview


Coming soon!

TVM Compile

Coming soon!

Relay Compile Passes

Coming soon!

Forge Compile Passes

Coming soon!

Partition Graph

Coming soon!

Construct Inputs, Constants and Ops

Coming soon!

Generate Forge-FE Module

Coming soon!

Standalone Forge-FE Module

Coming soon!

TT-Forge-FE Overview

Forge-FE Overview

Initialize Compile

Coming soon!

Generate Initial Graph (TT-TVM)

Coming soon!

Post Initial Graph passes

Coming soon!


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Post Autograd

Coming soon!

Pre Lowering

Coming soon!

Graph Split

Coming soon!

Compiler TTIR

Coming soon!

Output Binary

Coming soon!


Following page describes how to build the project on your local machine.


Main project dependencies are:

  1. Clang 17
  2. Ninja
  3. CMake 3.20 or higher
  4. Git LFS
  5. Python 3.10 or higher

On Ubuntu 22.04 systems, you can install these dependencies using the following commands:

# Update package list
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt upgrade -y

# Install Clang
sudo apt install clang-17

# Install Ninja
sudo apt install ninja-build

# Install CMake
sudo apt remove cmake -y
pip3 install cmake --upgrade
cmake --version

# Install Git LFS
sudo apt install git-lfs

# Check Python version
python3 --version

Build environment

This is one off step to build the toolchain and create virtual environment for tt-forge. Generally you need to run this step only once, unless you want to update the toolchain (LLVM).

First, it's required to create toolchain directories. Proposed example creates directories in default paths. You can change the paths if you want to use different locations (see build environment section below).

# FFE related toolchain (dafault path)
sudo mkdir -p /opt/ttforge-toolchain
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/ttforge-toolchain

# MLIR related toolchain (default path)
sudo mkdir -p /opt/ttmlir-toolchain
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/ttmlir-toolchain

Build FFE environment:

# Inicialize required env vars
source env/activate

# Initialize and update submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive -f

# Build environment
cmake -B env/build env
cmake --build env/build

Build Forge

# Activate virtual environment
source env/activate

# Build Forge
cmake -G Ninja -B build
cmake --build build

You can pass additional options to the cmake command to customize the build. For example, to build everything in debug mode, you can run:

cmake -G Ninja -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build

List of commonly used options:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug|Release - Build type (Debug, Release)
  • -DTTMLIR_RUNTIME_DEBUG=ON|OFF - Build runtime debug tools (more logging, debug environment flags)

Incremental build

If you have made changes to the C++ sources (of the tt-forge-fe compiler, tt-mlir or tt-metal), you might want to do an incremental build to save time. This can be done by running the following command:

# If you are not already inside the virtual environment, activate it
source env/activate

cmake --build build -- install_ttforge

This will build tt-forge-fe C++ sources and the dependencies (tt-mlir, tt-metal) and install them in the virtual environment.

Build docs

To build documentation mdbook is required, see the installation guide here.

After installing mdbook, run the following commands to build and serve the documentation:

source env/activate
cmake --build build -- docs

# Serve the documentation
mdbook serve build/docs

Note: mdbook serve will by default create a local server at http://localhost:3000.

Note: For custom port, just specify -p attribute.

E.g. mdbook serve build/docs -p 5005, and visit http://localhost:5005.

Build Cleanup

To ensure a clean build environment, follow these steps to remove existing build artifacts:

  1. Clean only Forge FE build artifacts:

    rm -rf build

    Note: This command removes the build directory and all its contents, effectively cleaning up the build artifacts specific to Forge FE.

  2. Clean all Forge build artifacts:


    Note: This script executes a comprehensive cleanup, removing all build artifacts across the entire Forge project, ensuring a clean slate for subsequent builds.

    Note: script will not clean toolchain (LLVM) build artifacts and dependencies.

  3. Clean everything (including environment):

    rm -rf env/build third_party/tt-mlir/env/build

    Note: This should rarely be needed, as it removes the entire build and environment (consequently entire toolchain will need to be rebuilt).

Useful build environment variables

  1. TTMLIR_TOOLCHAIN_DIR - Specifies the directory where TTMLIR dependencies will be installed. Defaults to /opt/ttmlir-toolchain if not defined.
  2. TTMLIR_VENV_DIR - Specifies the virtual environment directory for TTMLIR. Defaults to /opt/ttmlir-toolchain/venv if not defined.
  3. TTFORGE_TOOLCHAIN_DIR - Specifies the directory where tt-forge dependencies will be installed. Defaults to /opt/ttforge-toolchain if not defined.
  4. TTFORGE_VENV_DIR - Specifies the virtual environment directory for tt-forge. Defaults to /opt/ttforge-toolchain/venv if not defined.
  5. TTFORGE_PYTHON_VERSION - Specifies the Python version to use. Defaults to python3.10 if not defined.

Run tt-forge-fe using Docker image

We provide two Docker images for tt-forge-fe:

  1. Base Image: This image includes all the necessary preinstalled dependencies.
  2. Prebuilt Environment Image: This image also comes with a prebuilt environment, allowing you to skip the environment build step.

Note: To be able to build tt-forge-fe inside the docker containers, make sure to set yourself as the owner of tt-forge-fe and tt-mlir toolchain directories:

sudo chown -R $USER /opt/ttforge-toolchain
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/ttmlir-toolchain


This page describes how to run different kinds of tests in the tt-forge-fe project. If you haven't built the project yet, please refer to the Build page.

Unit tests

To build the unit tests, run the following command:

cmake --build build -- build_unit_tests

To run the unit tests (this will also build the tests if they are not built):

cmake --build build -- run_unit_tests

Note: The unit tests are built in the build/forge/csrc/test directory. From there, you can run targeted tests directly.

  • For example, to run all the tests defined in forge/csrc/test/passes/ use: ./build/forge/csrc/test/test_passes
  • You can further filter the tests by using the --gtest_filter flag:
    ./build/forge/csrc/test/test_passes --gtest_filter=MMFuseBias/MMFuseBias.mm_fuse_bias/3

End to end tests

For running the end-to-end tests we use the pytest framework. To run these tests, you need to be on a machine with a Tenstorrent Wormhole device. Also, we are still in the process of cleaning up the old tests, so not all tests are working. For a list of green tests, consult pytest.ini.

Note: Make sure that you have activated the python environment before running the tests.

To run all tests defined in /test/mlir/ use:

pytest -svv forge/test/mlir/

To run a specific test, use the following:

pytest -svv forge/test/mlir/
  • The -svv flag is optional and used to display more information about the test run.

Single operator E2E tests

Single operator E2E tests consists of pre configured collections of in-depth tests for each operator according to test plan. Tests include small models consisting of single operator with or without combination with few other operators. More details about test plan available on Test template page

To start interacting with test sweeps framework load helper commands via

source forge/test/operators/pytorch/

Available commands

print_helpPrint commands and current query parameters.
print_query_docsPrint docs for all available query parameters.
print_paramsPrint current query parameters values.
collect_only_onEnable only collecting tests by including --collect-only.
collect_only_offRemove collect only setup.
test_planRun all tests from test plan.
test_queryRun subset of test plan based on a query parameters.
test_uniqueRun representative examples of all available tests.
test_singleRun single test based on TEST_ID parameter.
test_idsRun tests for multile ids from a test id file.

Full list of supported query parameters

ParameterDescriptionSupported by commands
OPERATORSList of operatorstest_plan, test_query, test_unique
FILTERSList of lambda filterstest_query
INPUT_SOURCESList of input sourcestest_query
INPUT_SHAPESList of input shapestest_query
DEV_DATA_FORMATSList of dev data formatstest_query
MATH_FIDELITIESList of math fidelitiestest_query
KWARGSList of kwargs dictionaries.test_query
FAILING_REASONSList of failing reasonstest_query
SKIP_REASONSList of skip reasonstest_query
RANGELimit number of resultstest_query
RANDOM_SEEDSeed for random number generatortest_query
SAMPLEPercentage of results to sampletest_query
TEST_IDId of a test containing test parameterstest_single
ID_FILEPath to a file containing test idstest_ids

Test configuration parameters

ParameterDescriptionSupported by commands
SKIP_FORGE_VERIFICATIONSkip Forge model verification including model compiling and inferenceall

To check supported values and options for each query parameter please run command print_query_docs.

Usage examples

Run all tests


Run all tests for few operators

export OPERATORS=add,div

Run subset of tests based on query criteria

export OPERATORS=div
export DEV_DATA_FORMATS=Float16_b,Int8
export KWARGS="[{'rounding_mode': 'trunc'},{'rounding_mode': 'floor'}]"

Print representative tests ids of all operators with examples for kwargs values


Print representative tests ids of few operators

export OPERATORS=add,div

Each test can be uniquely identified via a test id. Format of test id is {operator}-{input_source}-{kwargs}-{input_shape}[-{number_of_operands)-]{dev_data_format}-{math_fidelity}.

Kwarg is a mandatory or optional attribute of an operator. See framework (PyTorch, Forge, ...) operator documentation for each operator or use test_unique to find examples.

Run single test based on a test id. Test id may be from a test plan or constructed custom by specifying custom values for kwargs and input_shapes.

export TEST_ID='ge-FROM_HOST-None-(1, 2, 3, 4)-Float16_b-HiFi4'


Pytest is a powerful testing framework for Python that simplifies writing and executing test cases. It supports features like test discovery, fixtures, parameterized testing, and detailed assertions. For more details, visit the official Pytest Documentation.

Testing with multiple input sets

The @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator allows you to run a single test function with multiple sets of inputs.


@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1, arg2, expected", [
    (1, 2, 3),
    (2, 3, 5),
    (3, 5, 8),
def test_addition(arg1, arg2, expected):
    assert arg1 + arg2 == expected


  • This is particularly useful for testing a function with various combinations of arguments

Marking specific parameters

You can use pytest.param to mark specific parameter combinations with additional metadata, such as expected failures (xfail).


@pytest.mark.parametrize("inputs", [
        ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)), marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="reason"))


  • In this example, the first parameter combination is marked as xfail with a reason provided, indicating it is expected to fail.
  • This is useful when only some parameter sets are failing or not working correctly.

Skipping tests

Use the @pytest.mark.skip decorator to skip a test.


@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Causes segmentation fault")
def test_future_feature():
    assert some_function() == "expected result"


  • Skipping tests is particularly useful when a test is causing crashes (e.g., segmentation faults) or breaking the CI pipeline.

Marking tests as expected to fail

The @pytest.mark.xfail decorator marks a test that is expected to fail.


@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Known bug in version 1.2.3")
def test_known_bug():
    assert buggy_function() == "expected"


  • If the test passes unexpectedly, pytest will flag it as XPASS.
  • If the test XPASS, it indicates an unexpected pass and will be reported as an error.
  • This is helpful when we need a reminder that a particular test is passing, especially in cases where it previously failed and we want to review all related instances or areas that experienced issues.

Avoid adding decorators inside tests


@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_path", ["<path>/model_path1", "<path>/model_path2"])
def test_model(model_path):
    if model_path == "<path>/model_path1":


  • In this example, one of the models fails a test. Using an if statement to apply xfail is problematic because it will always mark the test as failing, even if it passes.
  • Instead, use pytest.param to explicitly define expected outcomes as shown in the recommended approach above. This ensures more accurate and reliable test behavior.


This section will cover setup of various tools that can help you with development of tt-forge-fe.


We have defined various pre-commit hooks that check the code for formatting, licensing issues, etc.

To install pre-commit, run the following command:

source env/activate
pip install pre-commit

After installing pre-commit, you can install the hooks by running:

pre-commit install

Now, each time you run git commit the pre-commit hooks (checks) will be executed.

If you have already committed before installing the pre-commit hooks, you can run on all files to "catch up":

pre-commit run --all-files

For more information visit pre-commit


We use mdbook to generate the documentation. To install mdbook on Ubuntu, run the following commands:

sudo apt install cargo
cargo install mdbook

NOTE: If you don't want to install mdbook via cargo (Rust package manager), or this doesn't work for you, consult the official mdbook installation guide.

Gather Unique Ops Configuration

The model's unique ops configuration can be gathered, and the results can be printed to the console and saved as a CSV/XLSX file.


    • By setting this flag to one of the following options, the model's unique ops configuration can be extracted at a specific compilation stage or across all stages:

      • FORGE_EXTRACT_UNIQUE_OP_CONFIG_AT = ALL Extracts all the unique ops configurations present in the graph at every compilation stage.



    • By setting this flag to 1, all unique configurations will be printed to the console.

    • By setting this flag to csv or xlsx, all unique configurations will be exported as CSV or XLSX file. The file can be saved to the default path (i.e., the current directory), or it can be saved to a specific path by setting the FORGE_EXPORT_UNIQUE_OP_CONFIG_DIR_PATH environment variable.

    • The delimiter for the csv file can be set by using this flag. Default delimiter : slash (i.e /)

Note: The delimiter used in the CSV file will be a slash (/) to avoid potential parsing issues. Commas (,) and hyphen (-) may appear in the op shapes and attributes, which could lead to misinterpretation of the data.

Cross Correlate Models and Ops and Export Model Variants Unique Op Configuration

The models and ops can be cross-correlated and model variants unique op configuration are exported as xlsx file by running the scripts/ python script.

The script will perform the following tasks:

  1. Run all models until the compile depth specified by the user.
  2. Export unique op requirements to a file (each model variants has its own directory, in that directory each compile depth has its own file).
  3. Parse those unique op requirements and create a xlsx file that can be loaded into a google sheet.
    1. The xlsx file will contain list of models on X axis (i.e. columns) and list of ops on Y axis (i.e. rows/indices).
    2. Elements in between will contain a checkmark if the desired op from the Y axis (i.e., rows/indices) exists in the model on X axis (i.e., columns).
    3. Models will be sorted alphabetically.
    4. Ops will be sorted by the number of occurrences in the models.


To run the script, use the following command:

python scripts/

Required Options:

-c, --compile_depth (GENERATE_INITIAL_GRAPH, PRE_LOWERING_PASS, etc.)Choose the compilation depth for extracting ops configuration for the models present in pytest_directory_path.
-i, --pytest_directory_pathSpecify the directory path containing models to test.

Optional Options:

--cross_correlation_output_file_nameSpecify the output xlsx file name for saving the cross correation data between model variants and unique ops.
--models_unique_op_configs_output_file_nameSpecify the output xlsx file name for saving the Models unique op configurations.
-o, --output_directory_pathSpecify the output directory path for saving the xlsx/csv file.
--export_unique_op_config_file_type (csv, xlsx)Specify the export unique op configuration file type


python scripts/ --compile_depth GENERATE_INITIAL_GRAPH --pytest_directory_path forge/test/model_demos/high_prio/nlp/pytorch

How to run standalone MLIR, based on generated Forge-FE MLIR graphs

  1. Change Directory to tt-mlir repo in tt-forge-fe third parties

    $ cd tt-forge-fe/third_party/tt-mlir
  2. Build TTRT (once) - (Inside tt-mlir repo)

    $ pip install patchelf
    $ cmake --build build -- ttrt
  3. Save system descriptor artifacts file. For more info, refer ttrt docs

    $ ttrt query --save-artifacts
  4. Convert TTIR MLIR to TTNN MLIR

    • Save ttir mlir from logs in <some_name>_ttir.mlir . Ex: softmax_check_ttir.mlir

    • The first line of TTIR MLIR should be like below.

      module attributes {} {

      Ex. softmax_check_ttir.mlir

      module attributes {} {
          func.func @forward(%arg0: tensor<13x89x3xf32> { = "x"}, %arg1: tensor<13x89x3xf32> { = "y"}, %arg2: tensor<1x89x3xf32> { = "input_0_multiply_1"}, %arg3: tensor<1x89x3xf32> { = "input_0_reciprocal_0"}) -> (tensor<13x89x3xf32> { = "ModelConstEvalPass.output_add_3"}) {
              %0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x89x3xf32>
              %1 = "ttir.reciprocal"(%arg3, %0) <{operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 1, 1>}> : (tensor<1x89x3xf32>, tensor<1x89x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x89x3xf32>
              %2 = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x89x3xf32>
              %3 = "ttir.multiply"(%arg2, %1, %2) <{operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 2, 1>}> : (tensor<1x89x3xf32>, tensor<1x89x3xf32>, tensor<1x89x3xf32>) -> tensor<1x89x3xf32>
              %4 = tensor.empty() : tensor<13x89x3xf32>
              %5 = "ttir.add"(%arg0, %arg1, %4) <{operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 2, 1>}> : (tensor<13x89x3xf32>, tensor<13x89x3xf32>, tensor<13x89x3xf32>) -> tensor<13x89x3xf32>
              %6 = tensor.empty() : tensor<13x89x3xf32>
              %7 = "ttir.add"(%3, %5, %6) <{operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 2, 1>}> : (tensor<1x89x3xf32>, tensor<13x89x3xf32>, tensor<13x89x3xf32>) -> tensor<13x89x3xf32>
              return %7 : tensor<13x89x3xf32>
    • Generate TTNN MLIR from TTIR MLIR

      • Replace path to system_desc.ttsys to your corresponding path.
      $ ./build/bin/ttmlir-opt --ttir-load-system-desc="path=/proj_sw/user_dev/akannan/forge/tt-forge-fe/third_party/tt-mlir/ttrt-artifacts/system_desc.ttsys" --ttir-to-ttnn-backend-pipeline softmax_check_ttir.mlir -o softmax_check_ttnn.mlir
  5. Create Flatbuffers Serialized Binary

    • Generate flatbuffer binary from TTNN MLIR
      $ ./build/bin/ttmlir-translate --ttnn-to-flatbuffer softmax_check_ttnn.mlir -o softmax_check.ttnn
  6. Run TTNN Binary

    $ ttrt run softmax_check.ttnn


General Overview

When comparing our compiled model with the framework model (e.g., PyTorch model running on host), we aim to verify whether the output from the compiled model is sufficiently similar to the output from the framework model (where required degree of similarity is configurable).

So generally we want to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a framework model.
  2. Run a forward pass through the framework model.
  3. Compile the framework model using Forge.
  4. Run a forward pass through the compiled model.
  5. Compare the outputs.

Most of the above steps verify() function does for us:

  • Handles forward passes for both framework and compiled models
  • Compares results using a combination of comparison methods
  • Supports customization through the VerifyConfig class.

Example of usage

def test_add():

	class Add(nn.Module):
		def __init__(self):

		def forward(self, a, b):
			return a + b

	inputs = [torch.rand(2, 32, 32), torch.rand(2, 32, 32)]

	framework_model = Add()
	compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, sample_inputs=inputs)

	verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model)


  • If you only want to compile model and perform forward pass without comparing outputs you can just:
framework_model = Add()
compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, sample_inputs=inputs)

fw_out = framework_model(*inputs)
co_out = compiled_model(*inputs)

Verify Config Overview

If VerifyConfig isn't passed as a param, default one will be used. Currently through VerifyConfig you can disable/enable:

FeatureNameEnabled (default)
Verification as a methodenabledTrue
Number of output tensors checkverify_sizeTrue
Output tensor data type checkverify_dtypeTrue
Output tensor shape checkverify_shapeTrue

For more information about VerifyConfig you can check forge/forge/verify/

Example of usage

framework_model = Add()
compiled_model = forge.compile(framework_model, sample_inputs=inputs)

verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(verify_dtype=False))

Besides that, config also includes value checker. There are 3 types of checker:

  • AutomaticValueChecker (default)
  • AllCloseValueChecker
  • FullValueChecker

For more information about Checkers you can look at forge/forge/verify/



This checker performs tensor checks based on the shape and type of tensor (e.g. for scalars it will perform torch.allclose as pcc shouldn't be applied to the scalars)

For this checker you can set:

  • pcc
  • rtol
  • atol
  • dissimilarity_threshold

Example of usage:

# default behavior
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model)
# this will result same as the default behavior
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AutomaticValueChecker())
# setting pcc and rtol
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AutomaticValueChecker(pcc=0.95, rtol=1e-03)))


This checker checks tensors using torch.allclose method.

For this checker you can set:

  • rtol
  • atol

Example of usage:

# setting allclose checker with default values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AllCloseValueChecker()))
# setting allclose checker with custom values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=AllCloseValueChecker(rtol=1e-03)))


This checker is combination of AutomaticValueChecker and AllCloseValueChecker.

For this checker you can set:

  • pcc
  • rtol
  • atol
  • dissimilarity_threshold

Examples of usage:

# setting full checker with default values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=FullValueChecker())
# setting full checker with custom values
verify(inputs, framework_model, compiled_model, VerifyConfig(value_checker=FullValueChecker(pcc=0.95, rtol=1e-03)))