
This tool is intended to be a swiss army knife for working with flatbuffers generated by the compiler. Its primary role is to inspect and run flatbuffer files. It enables the running of flatbuffer files without a front-end runtime.


source env/activate
cmake --build build -- ttrt
ttrt --help

Installing ttrt as python whls (coming soon)

  1. Download whls
  2. Create a python venv
python -m venv ttrt_env
source ttrt_env/bin/activate
  1. Install whls
pip install *.whl

Building runtime mode

Add the following flags when building the compiler


If you are building with runtime mode on with -DTTMLIR_ENABLE_RUNTIME=ON, you will have to install the following packages when using ttrt

pip install torch

Building perf mode

Add the following flags when building the compiler


If you are building with perf mode on with -DTT_RUNTIME_ENABLE_PERF_TRACE=ON, you will have to install the following packages when using ttrt

pip install torch
pip install loguru
pip install pandas
pip install seaborn
pip install graphviz
pip install pyyaml
pip install click

Generate a flatbuffer file from compiler

The compiler supports a pass to load a system descriptor to compile against. You can feed this pass into ttmlir-opt.

  1. Build ttmlir
  2. Build ttrt (see building section on this page)
  3. Generate ttsys file from the system you want to compile for using ttrt. This will create a system_desc.ttsys file under ttrt-artifacts folder.
ttrt query --save-artifacts
  1. Use ttmlir-opt tool in compiler to feed system descriptor. See the ttmlir-opt documentation for more information on how to generate .mlir files.
./build/bin/ttmlir-opt --ttir-load-system-desc="path=/path/to/system_desc.ttsys" --ttir-to-ttnn-backend-pipeline test/ttmlir/Dialect/TTNN/simple_subtract.mlir -o ttnn.mlir
or (pip path directly into ttir-to-ttnn-backend-pipeline)
./build/bin/ttmlir-opt --ttir-to-ttnn-backend-pipeline="system-desc-path=/path/to/system_desc.ttsys" test/ttmlir/Dialect/TTNN/simple_subtract.mlir -o ttnn.mlir
  1. Use ttmlir-translate tool in compiler to generate the flatbuffer executable. See the ttmlir-translate documentation for more information on how to generate flatbuffer files.
./build/bin/ttmlir-translate --ttnn-to-flatbuffer ttnn.mlir -o out.ttnn
  1. Run your test cases using ttrt
ttrt run /path/to/out.ttnn

Generate flatbuffer files using llvm-lit

There are already existing .mlir test cases under test/ttmlir/Silicon. You can use llvm-lit tool to generate the corresponding ttnn and ttm files.

  1. Build ttmlir
  2. Build ttrt (see building section on this page)
  3. Generate ttsys file from the system you want to compile for using ttrt. This will create a system_desc.ttsys file under ttrt-artifacts folder.
ttrt query --save-artifacts
  1. Export this file in your environment using export SYSTEM_DESC_PATH=/path/to/system_desc.ttsys. When llvm-lit is run, it will query this variable and generate the ttnn and ttm files using this system. Optionally, you can also provide this manually when running llvm-lit.
  2. Generate your test cases. This will generate all your ttnn and ttm files under build/test/ttmlir/Silicon. ttnn files have a .ttnn file extension and ttmetal files have a .ttm extension.
cmake --build build -- check-ttmlir
  1. (Optional) If you have a single .mlir file (or a directory of custom .mlir files) that you created using the compiler, and you want to generate the corresponding ttnn and ttm files for it, you can run llvm-lit standalone to the path of your .mlir file or directory of .mlir files to generate the flatbuffer executables. You will have to make sure you add in the correct llvm-lit configs into your .mlir file. See section on adding llvm-lit config options inside a .mlir file to create flatbuffer binaries for more info. You must also make sure your .mlir test is found within test/ttmlir/Silicon folder (and point lit to the build folder)!
llvm-lit -v ./build/test/ttmlir/Silicon
SYSTEM_DESC_PATH=/path/to/system_desc.ttsys llvm-lit -v ./build/test/ttmlir/Silicon
  1. Run your test cases using ttrt
ttrt run /path/to/test.ttnn
ttrt run /path/to/dir/of/flatbuffers

Adding llvm-lit config options inside a .mlir file to create flatbuffer binaries

Inside of your .mlir file, you can add certain config options that llvm-lit will use when running against that test case. For the purpose of generating flatbuffer executables, you can add --ttir-load-system-desc="path=%system_desc_path%" which will tell llvm-lit to parse the system desc found from the environment flag set by export SYSTEM_DESC_PATH=/path/to/system_desc.ttsys. You can also paste a custom path to a system desc file as well.

// RUN: ttmlir-opt --ttir-load-system-desc="path=%system_desc_path%" --ttir-implicit-device --ttir-layout --convert-ttir-to-ttnn %s  > %t.mlir
// RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file=%t.mlir
// RUN: ttmlir-translate --ttnn-to-flatbuffer %t.mlir > %t.ttnn

Adding new mlir test cases

You can copy your .mlir test file (with the appropriate llvm-lit config options for generating flatbuffer binaries) into test/ttmlir/Silicon. Then, follow generating flatbuffer files using llvm-lit to generate the executables to run!


ttrt and flatbuffers have strict versioning check. When running a flatbuffer against ttrt, you have to make sure the flatbuffer was generated using the same version as ttrt (or vice versa). Major and Minor versions are manually set using github tags when releases are made. Patch versioning is the number of commits from the last major/minor tag.



ttrt --help
ttrt read
ttrt run
ttrt query
ttrt perf
ttrt check

Command Line

There are different ways you can use the APIs under ttrt. The first is via the command line as follows. All artifacts are saved under ttrt-artifacts folder under TT_MLIR_HOME environment variable. By default, all logging is printed to the terminal. You can specify a log file to dump output to.


Read sections of a binary file

ttrt read --help
ttrt read --section mlir out.ttnn
ttrt read --section cpp out.ttnn
ttrt read --section version out.ttnn
ttrt read --section system_desc out.ttnn
ttrt read --section inputs out.ttnn
ttrt read --section outputs out.ttnn
ttrt read --section all out.ttnn
ttrt read --section all out.ttnn --clean-artifacts
ttrt read --section all out.ttnn --save-artifacts
ttrt read --section all /dir/of/flatbuffers
ttrt read system_desc.ttsys
ttrt read --section system_desc system_desc.ttsys
ttrt read system_desc.ttsys --log-file ttrt.log


Run a binary file or a directory of binary files Note: It's required to be on a system with silicon and to have a runtime enabled build -DTTMLIR_ENABLE_RUNTIME=ON.

ttrt run --help
ttrt run out.ttnn
ttrt run out.ttnn --seed 0
ttrt run out.ttnn --init arange
ttrt run out.ttnn --identity
ttrt run out.ttnn --identity --rtol 1 --atol 1
ttrt run out.ttnn --clean-artifacts
ttrt run out.ttnn --save-artifacts
ttrt run out.ttnn --loops 10
ttrt run --program-index all out.ttnn
ttrt run --program-index 0 out.ttnn
ttrt run /dir/of/flatbuffers
ttrt run /dir/of/flatbuffers --loops 10
ttrt run /dir/of/flatbuffers --log-file ttrt.log


Query the system to obtain the system desc file (optionally store it to disk) Note: It's required to be on a system with silicon and to have a runtime enabled build -DTTMLIR_ENABLE_RUNTIME=ON.

ttrt query --help
ttrt query --save-artifacts
ttrt query --clean-artifacts
ttrt query --save-artifacts --log-file ttrt.log


Run performance mode of a binary file or a directory of binary files Note: It's required to be on a system with silicon and to have a runtime enabled build -DTTMLIR_ENABLE_RUNTIME=ON. Also need perf enabled build -DTT_RUNTIME_ENABLE_PERF_TRACE=ON.

ttrt perf --help
ttrt perf out.ttnn
ttrt perf out.ttnn --clean-artifacts
ttrt perf out.ttnn --save-artifacts
ttrt perf out.ttnn --loops 10
ttrt perf --program-index all out.ttnn
ttrt perf --program-index 0 out.ttnn
ttrt perf --device out.ttnn
ttrt perf /dir/of/flatbuffers
ttrt perf /dir/of/flatbuffers --loops 10
ttrt perf /dir/of/flatbuffers --log-file ttrt.log


Check a binary file or a directory of binary files against a system desc (by default, uses the host machine) Note: It's required to be on a system with silicon and to have a runtime enabled build -DTTMLIR_ENABLE_RUNTIME=ON.

ttrt check --help
ttrt check out.ttnn
ttrt check out.ttnn --system-desc /path/to/system_desc.ttsys
ttrt check out.ttnn --clean-artifacts
ttrt check out.ttnn --save-artifacts
ttrt check out.ttnn --log-file ttrt.log
ttrt check /dir/of/flatbuffers --system-desc /dir/of/system_desc

ttrt as a python package

The other way to use the APIs under ttrt is importing it as a library. This allows the user to use it in custom scripts.

Import ttrt as a python package

from ttrt.common.api import API

Setup API and register all features


Setup arguments

You can specify certain arguments to pass to each API, or use the default arguments provided


This can be a dictionary of values to set inside your API instance. These are the same options as found via the command line. You can get the total list of support arguments via API.registered_args dictionary. Any argument not provided will be set to the default.

custom_args = API.Query.registered_args
custom_args["clean-artifacts"] = True
query_instance = API.Query(args=custom_args)

custom_args = { "clean-artifacts": True }
query_instance = API.Query(args=custom_args)


You can specify a specific logging module you want to set inside your API instance. The rationale behind this is to support different instances of different APIs, all being able to be logged to a different file.

from ttrt.common.util import Logger

log_file_name = "some_file_name.log"
custom_logger = Logger(log_file_name)
read_instance = API.Read(logging=custom_logger)


You can specify a specific artifacts directory to store all the generate metadata during the execution of any API run. This allows you to specify different artifact directories if you wish for different instances of APIs.

from ttrt.common.util import Artifacts

log_file_name = "some_file_name.log"
artifacts_folder_path = "/opt/folder"
custom_logger = Logger(log_file_name)
custom_artifacts = Artifacts(logging=custom_logger, artifacts_folder_path=artifacts_folder_path)
run_instance = API.Run(artifacts=custom_artifacts)

Execute API

Once all the arguments are setup, you can run your API instance with all your provided arguments. Note, APIs are stateless. Thus, subsequent calls to the same API instance will not preserve previous call artifacts. You can generate a new artifacts directory for subsequent runs if you wish to call the APIs multiple times, for example.


Putting it all together

You can do interesting stuff when combining all the above features into your python script

from ttrt.common.api import API
from ttrt.common.util import Logger
from ttrt.common.util import Artifacts


custom_args = API.Run.registered_args
custom_args["clean-artifacts"] = True
custom_args["save-artifacts"] = True
custom_args["loops"] = 10
custom_args["init"] = "randn"
custom_args["binary"] = "/path/to/subtract.ttnn"

log_file_name = "some_file_name.log"
custom_logger = Logger(log_file_name)

artifacts_folder_path = "/opt/folder"
custom_artifacts = Artifacts(logging=custom_logger, artifacts_folder_path=artifacts_folder_path)

run_instance = API.Run(args=custom_args, logging=custom_logger, artifacts=custom_artifacts)


Flatbuffer version does not match ttrt version!

  • ttrt and flatbuffer have strict versioning that is checked during ttrt execution. You will have to generate a flatbuffer using the same version of ttrt (or vice versa). This mean you might have to build on the same branch on which the flatbuffer was generated or regenerate the flatbuffer using your current build.

System desc does not match flatbuffer!

  • flatbuffers are compiled using a specific system desc (or default values if no system desc is provided). During runtime, the flatbuffer system desc is checked against the current system to ensure the system being run on supports the flatbuffer that was compiled. If you get this error, you will have to regenerate the flatbuffer using the system you want to run on. See generate a flatbuffer file from compiler section on how to do this.

I just want to test and push my commit! What do I do!

  • follow these steps (on both n150 and n300)
1. Build ttmlir (sample instructions - subject to change)
source env/activate
cmake --build build

2. Build ttrt (sample instructions - subject to change)
cmake --build build -- ttrt

3. Query system
ttrt query --save-artifacts

4. Export system desc file
export SYSTEM_DESC_PATH=/path/to/system_desc.ttsys (path dumped in previous command)

5. Generate test cases
cmake --build build -- check-ttmlir

6. Run test cases
ttrt run build/test/ttmlir/Silicon

7. (Optional) Run perf test cases
ttrt perf build/test/ttmlir/Silicon