Project Structure

  • env: Contains the environment setup for building project dependencies, such as LLVM and Flatbuffers
  • include/ttmlir: Public headers for the TTMLIR library
    • Dialect: MLIR dialect interfaces and definitions, dialects typically follow a common directory tree structure:
      • IR: MLIR operation/type/attribute interfaces and definitions
      • Passes.[h|td]: MLIR pass interfaces and definitions
      • Transforms: Common MLIR transformations, typically invoked by passes
    • Target: Flatbuffer schema definitions. This defines the binary interface between the compiler and the runtime
  • lib: TTMLIR library implementation
    • CAPI: C API for interfacing with the TTMLIR library, note this is needed for implementing the python bindings. Read more about it here:
    • Dialect: MLIR dialect implementations
  • runtime: Device runtime implementation
    • include/tt/runtime: Public headers for the runtime interface
    • lib: Runtime implementation
    • tools/python: Python bindings for the runtime, currently this is where ttrt is implemented
  • test: Test suite
  • tools/ttmlir-opt: TTMLIR optimizer driver


  • mlir: On the compiler side, we use the MLIR namespace for all MLIR types and operations and subnamespace for our dialects.
    • mlir::tt: Everything ttmlir related is underneath this namespace. Since we need to subnamespace under mlir, just mlir::tt seemed better than mlir::ttmlir which feels redundant.
      • mlir::tt::ttir: The TTIR dialect namespace
      • mlir::tt::ttnn: The TTNN dialect namespace
      • mlir::tt::ttmetal: The TTMetal dialect namespace
      • mlir::tt::ttkernel: The TTKernel dialect namespace
  • tt::runtime: On the runtime side, we use the tt::runtime namespace for all runtime types and operations.
    • tt::runtime::ttnn: The TTNN runtime namespace
    • tt::runtime::ttmetal: The TTMetal runtime namespace (not implemented)