
The following document provides an overview of the TT-MLIR project, with a focus on the technical specifications of an MLIR-based compiler stack. So what exactly is an MLIR-based compiler stack? MLIR (Multi Level Intermediate Representation) is a subproject coming out of the LLVM Project. It seeks to introduce extensibility and sustainable code design to a very modular compiler framework. This essentially means to take a much larger more involved compiler (like LLVM) and split it into sub-compilers that each produce their own Intermediate Representation (IR) of what you've fed the compiler.

Disclaimer: This is intended to be a working document, if you find something incorrect or incomplete please feel free to create a PR.


The idea of having a multi-level IR might not seem so far fetched, in fact it resembles some of our current software stacks. The idea of going from a High Level TVM Graph → Lowered PyBUDA Graph → Netlist, with each layer having their own level of optimizations is quite a familiar concept. However, there are problems with the reusability and integration of optimizations for the current software compiler stack. Currently, users are almost forced to choose between a top-down optimization or bottom-up optimization, with both requiring "expert-level" expertise to optimize for desired performance. Developing 2 entirely different projects is taxing, and it's hard to translate the benefits of BUDA over to metal (or the other way around). One of the primary goals of tt-mlir is to enable a consistent programming model between software stacks, concepts for improving optimizations in the compiler stack should 1-1 carry over to hand-written TTNN.

The benefits grow even further when one can understand all the possible entry points that multiple IRs present. Existing MLIR based projects like OpenXLA and torch-mlir can natively output MLIR in a dialect that can be transcribed to the TTIR dialect as well!

What is MLIR and why use it?

MLIR is a compiler infrastructure that is designed to be modular and extensible. The main benefits the tt-mlir project hopes to gain by using MLIR include:

  • Industry Standard Compiler Framework
    • Lots of boilerplate algorithms, data structures, and useful software that is common to compiler development
  • Ecosystem
    • Hook into existing front-end MLIR projects
  • Testing framework
    • A battle-tested test infrastructure that will enable us to write fine grained tests and rely less on end-to-end testing
    • Common IR Serialization Format that's easy to test, debug, and edit

Additional documentation to highlight the benefits of MLIR can be found here:

MLIR: Overview

MLIR is at it's root an interpreter that can parse "readable" text in some .mlir format. The unique properties lie in the modularity of the parsing itself. MLIR is built upon a collection of Dialects, each of these Dialects define a collection of Operations, Types, and Attributes. These dialects follow their own syntax, and they can encode any amount of information. The benefit is that MLIR provides bindings and hooks such that a user can directly translate these IRs into usable artifacts for that layer of complexity. An example of this would be the relatively high level TOSA Dialect, which is used to represent computation over tensors, and then lowering that to a more hardware specific dialect that closely models the programming model of the hardware or underlying backend. It is the dialect system itself which powers the multi-level functionality of MLIR, with different dialects a user can essentially "lower" through their software stack by just transforming between the different dialects for their layers. Dialects can exist in a broad range from purely mathematical dialects, to a LinAlg Dialect, or a Tensorflow Dialect defined for ML Graphs. Each dialect encodes it's own information and their operations can use the Types/Attributes of other dialects as parameters. Multiple dialects are possible in one module, and encouraged to highlight optimizations of different dialects. In our usecase for the TT Stack, MLIR acts a "mid-level" compiler which makes the task of joining together various entry points and backends much simpler.

MLIR Primitives

So what does MLIR look like, how does it work and get parsed? The hierarchy of an MLIR Module is as shown:

module attributes {tt.system_desc = #tt.system_desc<[<#tt.arch<wormhole_b0>, #tt.grid<8x8>>], [0], [<pcie|host_mmio>], [<0, 0, 0, 0>]>} {
  func.func @forward(%arg0: tensor<64x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<64x128xf32>) -> tensor<64x128xf32> {
    %0 = ttir.empty() : tensor<64x128xf32>
    %1 = "ttir.multiply"(%arg0, %arg1, %0) <{operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 2, 1>}> : (tensor<64x128xf32>, tensor<64x128xf32>, tensor<64x128xf32>) -> tensor<64x128xf32>
    return %1 : tensor<64x128xf32>
  • Attributes (defined using #)

    • The syntax of actually creating an attribute is modular, and custom assembly instructions for different attributes can be applied.
  • Operations

    • These operations are accessed with the . method, so you'll see some examples like func.func or ttir.empty. Each operation also provides it's own assembly instructions but often strictly defines the type of result

    • Quotes are added around ttir.multiply since it's part of a custom dialect.

    • Operations typically have operands (arguments) and results which are highlighted with %, these results and operands help to show the relationship between operations

  • Types

    • Types are shown as dataformats throughout this compiled mlir module, where tensor and array are some examples.

    • They help to demonstrate the transformation of information and it's representation as it's processed across this module.

MLIR Workflow

The overall MLIR workflow doesn't involve writing .mlir files, not necessarily even modifying them. The Intermediate Representations are truly just representations, we can parse them to demonstrate what the graph looks like at that current stage of optimization, or run a pass through them to optimize certain functions. The overall framework is designed with the following architecture in mind:

  1. Graph Information exists

  2. Graph Information is transformed (through any which method) into a high-level MLIR representation

  3. Passes are run on the high-level implementation to lower into TTIR, a common IR that can be lowered into multiple backends

  4. Depending on the usecase more passes are run to lower to whatever backend the user would like (ex: TTNN Backend)

What are Passes?

Transformations in MLIR are represented as passes that occur during the parsing of some information. These passes can be executed when parsing or generating MLIR modules. These transformations can have a myriad of purposes, and are completely user defined as to how they modify the module. Some examples of passes can be for lowering purposes as mentioned before, where a dialect is parsed and then each operation is transformed to a lowered dialect following some set of user defined rules. Passes are also used for optimizations and backend code transformation in the context of this project. They're a powerful tool and provide most of the functionality to transform between layers of dialects, and they provide a simple platform for modifications of an MLIR module.

Why not make our own?

Now that I've described the functionality of the MLIR framework, it seems like making an in house multi level Intermediate Representation system would be pretty similar, so why are we going through the effort of implementing this framework?

One of the biggest reason can be attributed to the active developer community surrounding the project, being a part of the LLVM Project means that there is solid developer support, and the framework is designed to be a tool for many different paradigms of compute. This scalability and strong mission statement lend to the strengths of MLIR being a solid platform to use as a middle layer in our compiler stack. Furthermore, as a functional benefit of being part of a larger open source project, MLIR has a whole library of tests and infrastructure that we can leverage for solid code health while starting a new project.


It's not only about developer support, another key benefit of MLIR is that it's built with autogeneration in mind. Through TableGen a lot of the boilerplate of creating this multi-level IR become abstracted away to truly focus on implementation and execution. This automation is built on top of a pre-existing robust framework with a lot of implementations and support from other large players in the ML scene. By integrating with these automation pipelines, we allow for external developers to have a much simpler entry-point into our software stack!

TT-MLIR: Bringing MLIR to the TT Stack

Now that we have defined this pretty cool project, let's look at the implementation details of bringing MLIR (and related optimizations) into the TT Stack. Since it acts as a mid-level compiler we can start by defining the "bottom" and "top" layers of the compiler. BUDA already has a well defined set of frontend optimizations to some TVM defined graph and is knowledgeable of the hardware that these models want to run on. We want to interrupt the BUDA stack to only give us the frontend compiled graph before any hardware specific lowering is to occur. What this will produce is information that is agnostic to different backends and their execution on TT hardware, but this is still valid information to optimize at different levels for later compilation. The "bottom" of our graph is now defined as the backend that will produce the machine-specific code to be executed. While MLIR could allow for any level of complexity downwards for the bottom, we will define a very aggressive TTNN backend for the MVP. Desired Optimization List:

  • Forge-FE (frontend)

    • Graph Optimizations, Constant Folding, Operation Fusion
  • TT-MLIR (mid-level)

    • Data Storage, Memory Configuration, Grid Configuration
  • TT-NN (backend)

    • Kernel Configuration*, Network Optimization

*Subject to Change / Be Moved to TT-MLIR

TT-MLIR Dialects

Now that we have defined the series of optimizations that we would like to see implemented in TT-MLIR, we can begin to help define the dialects that would help to support these different levels of optimizations. For more detail on each of these dialects, please refer to the GitHub Wiki and TableGen descriptors. I think that Nick does a great job of documenting the key functionality.

TT Dialect

The TT Dialect is only for common Types and Attributes used throughout the many levels of the mid level compiler.

TTIR Dialect

The TTIR Dialect is defined as the common dialect for TT-MLIR, as such it doesn't define anything hardware/backend specific. It lists out general actions that would take place on TT hardware such as dispatch, layout, and kernel operations.

Generic Operation

This is one of two operations that's crucial to understand the intended optimization characteristics of the TTIR Dialect. The generic operation dictates the actions that would be taken to dispatch some instruction to TT hardware such that it executes some instruction. Parametrically, the operation consumes inputs, outputs, maps to read the tensors, and access-types to the memory. These parameters highlight the optimizations that can be performed at this level to change the location of the memory, transpose using variant access maps, or even the grid upon which the computation takes place. The operation also contains a block in which the exact behaviour for that operation to occur is stored.

Layout Operation

The layout operation is key in describing the storage of memory throughout the execution graph. Layout determines the sharding spec, location of the memory, data types, and tile sizes of some tensor. While generic describes the dispatch for some data-wise transformation to take place, the data itself is laid out across the chip through the layout operation.

Both of these operations describe the key functionality of the TTIR dialect and the optimization space that it provides.

Built-in MLIR Dialects

The functionality of TT-MLIR Dialects also depends / is inspired by the functionality of Built-in MLIR Dialects like Affine and LinAlg. Below are summaries of some of the key members of these Dialects

Affine Dialect

[Reference] Affine maps help to describe transformations on coordinate systems, while this may not really make sense, imagine trying to index a rank 2 tensor. By getting t[x, y] I can access the element in the Xth row and Yth column, but if I wanted to transpose the tensor I might have to re-layout the entire tensor such that the data would be accessible using t[x, y] to get the element in the Yth row and Xth column. This transpose can also be represented using an Affine Map to transform (x, y) -> (y, x) and this would let the tensor data remain in place while the access method is modified. This extends even further to more complex transformations such that stride lengths or unique indexing methods can be implemented without complicated manipulation.

Tensor Dialect

[Reference] The tensor dialect defines the functionality and Type of the fundamental Tensor. This dialect contains members that would represent manipulation and representation of tensors as multi-dimensional data with shapes and datatypes. Not much else is different about this dialect, the reference covers key topics if implementation details are needed.

Func Dialect


TOSA Dialect


SCF Dialect


EmitC Dialect


TT-Explorer - Performance Optimization Tool

A unique project related to TT-MLIR is the integration of Performance Optimization Tools such that users are easily able to visualize and readily tune their models without needing an expert level understanding of the tech stack. TT-Explorer is built with Google AI's Model Explorer as a base for the visualization tool, and a custom adapter to parse TT-MLIR projects. This would allow users to readily tune their models, and optimize for the TTIR layer (ex: they can change certain memory to be laid out in L1 instead of DRAM, or change the grid layout of an operation to be larger than what was previously assigned). After compilation with these overrides, the runtime information can then be fed directly into a Tracy Performance Analysis for the user to visualize the impacts of their tuning, seeing which operations were least performant and continuing in a gamified design loop for iterative performance tuning!