
Device in tt-mlir is somewhat of an overloaded term and can refer to different things depending on the context. This document will only speak to the compiler's abstract representation of a device captured by attribute #tt.device.


There are many overloaded terms when talking about devices and grids, this document will use the following definitions:

  • Physical Grid: A 2D array of tensix cores on a chip.
  • Chip: A single physical chip with a Physical Grid of cores.
  • Card: A PCIE or Ethernet card that may contain multiple Chips.
  • System: A collection of Cards that are usually connected together on the same host via PCIE or networked via ethernet. A system is represented by SystemDesc in the compiler.
  • Device: Device is always presented as a single entity to the enclosing scope, but it may be virtualized to abstract a multi-card System and part of its encoding carries a Logical Grid. Another way to think of device is a view over the system.
  • Logical Grid or just Grid: Is a logical shape that abstracts one or more Physical Grids.
  • Mesh Shape: Describes the virtual layout of the chips with respect to each other. In practice the mesh shape is used to derive the logical grid.


The device attribute strives to achieve the following goals:

  • Provide a convenient representation of a physical grid that decouples the logical division of tensors from the physical layout of the hardware. This not only simplifies reasoning about how tensors get divided into shards, but can also enable reinterpretations of the device grid for data layout optimization decoupled from the existing encoding of the tensor layouts.
  • Following the first point, the device attribute should be able to represent many different forms of logical grids, from simple 2D grids, to more complex topologies like extra-wide grids or higher dimensional grids.
  • Device attribute captures encoding both single chip and multi-chip systems under a single, virtualized representation.
  • Enable many forms of data parallel execution strategies for single and multi chip systems under a single representation.


This document will cover how the device attribute is encoded and how it can be lowered to backend dialects. The document will not cover the algorithm for choosing the best, or even legal, device configurations for a given physical system.


All of the following examples will assume the physical hardware has an 8x8 physical grid of cores. We will use notation [N, 8x8] to represent a N chip system, each with an 8x8 physical grid.

#tt.device in is simplest, single chip form [1, 8x8], just maps directly 1-1 to the underlying physical hardware device.

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<8x8, (d0, d1) -> (0, d0, d1)>,
  meshShape = 1,
  chipIds = [0]

Let's break down what each of these attributes mean:

  • workerGrid = #tt.grid<8x8, (d0, d1) -> (0, d0, d1)>: This is a 2D logical grid with dim 8x8. It's followed by an affine map (d0, d1) -> (0, d0, d1) that provides a mapping from the logical grid to the physical grid. In this case, the logical grid is the same as the physical grid, so the mapping is the identity function. The logical grid can have any rank, but the physical mapping is always 3D, with the first being the chip index, followed by the 2D physical core index within the chip.
  • meshShape = 1: A shape provided as part of the DeviceAttr constructor that describes the virtual layout of the chips with respect to each other. Note that in a multi-chip system, this grid encapsulates the entire system's grid shape, e.g. 8x16 grid could be made up of a 1x2 mesh of chips side-by-side. The mesh attribute configures how the above grid/map attributes are created such that they implement this mesh topology.
  • chipIds = [0]: This is a list of chip indices. These chip indices directly reference the same chip indices in the system descriptor. The SystemDesc attribute that this is in reference to is tagged on the top level ModuleOp.

Specific examples that this document will cover:

Before we move on to more complex examples, it's worth having on hand:

  • The python test test/python/ which shows how all of these examples can actually be programmed for the device attribute.
  • The Tensor Layout spec as the following examples will demonstrate how tensor layout interacts with the logical device grid.

Note on Data Parallel: There is existing literature that explicitly distinguishes between data parallel and tensor parallel, oftentimes describing data parallel as duplicating the model across multiple devices and trivially dividing up the batch whereas tensor parallel refers to tensor data being distributed and potentially communicated between devices during execution. While this is true for multi-GPU/CPU systems, it is somewhat of an implementation detail and given the flexibility of tenstorrent hardware there is an opportunity to generalize this concept. In this document we will use the term data parallel to refer to any form of parallelism that divides any dimension of the tensor across multiple cores/chips.

Note on Constraints: Many of the examples below require careful virtualization of the underlying physical system, i.e. some device configurations might only work if the chips are connected via ethernet and with a particular topology, but these constraints are outside the scope of the examples and will be discussed further in the Backend Lowering and Constraints section.

Data Parallel Over Batch

Given a 2 chip system, [2, 8x8], we can represent a simple data parallel logical grid that divides the batch dimension in half across the two chips. This is denoted by meshShape = 2x1x1 which means the logical grid is 3D.

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<2x8x8, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)>,
  meshShape = 2x1x1,
  chipIds = [0, 1]

The affine map here is just identity, so dims d1 and d2 directly index the physical grid and d0 indexes the chip.

Now we can consider some tensor that, importantly, has a grid of the same rank as the logical device grid:

  #tt.metal_layout<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1 * 64 + d2, d3),
    memref<8x3x1x!tt.tile<32 x 32, bfp_bf8>, #tt.memory_space<l1>>

If we map this tensor onto the above device, it will span across both chips, half of the batch dimension on each chip. Within each chip the tensor occupies a 2x4 grid out of the 8x8 physical grid available.

Data Parallel Over 2d

In this example we will consider a 2 chip system, [2, 8x8], and view it as though the two chips are concatenated together side by side to form a single 8x16 grid. This is denoted by meshShape = 1x2 which means to concatenate the chips in the second dimension.

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<8x16, (d0, d1) -> ((d0 floordiv 8) * 2 + d1 floordiv 8, d0, d1 mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 1x2,
  chipIds = [0, 1]

Here we can see that the affine map encodes an indexing pattern such that when we extend past 8 cores in the second dimension, we wrap around to the next chip.

Now we can consider some tensor that, importantly, has a grid of the same rank as the logical device grid:

  #tt.metal_layout<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1),
    memref<2x2x!tt.tile<32 x 32, bfp_bf8>, #tt.memory_space<l1>>

This single tensor maps trivially onto the logical grid, spanning the upper half. Decoupled from the tensor's layout, under the hood the tensor is actually physically spanning across two chips.

Data Parallel Over 2d and Batch

The previous 2 examples can be composed together to form a logical grid that divides tensor across multiple dimensions. Here we will consider a 4 chip system [4, 8x8] and view it as a 2x8x16 grid. Note that the meshShape is 2x1x2 which means to concatenate the chips in the first and third dimensions.

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<2x8x16, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 2 + (d1 floordiv 8) * 2 + d2 floordiv 8, d1, d2 mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 2x1x2,
  chipIds = [0, 1, 2, 3]

We can evaluate the affine map to see that the chips are interpreted in chunks of two, where groups [0, 1] and [2, 3] each form 8x16 grids and these 2 groups concatenate to form a 2x8x16 grid.

We can consider the following tensor to map onto this grid:

  #tt.metal_layout<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1),
    memref<32x2x2x!tt.tile<32 x 32, bfp_bf8>, #tt.memory_space<l1>>

Pipeline Parallel

Pipeline parallel in the scope of this spec isn't particularly interesting, it is intended to be used in conjunction with the ttir.pipeline operation which will group sections of the module's operations into groups to form pipeline regions and will be covered in a separate spec.

What we can demonstrate here is how we can take multiple non-overlapping views of the system descriptor to form distinct virtual devices.

Given an 8 chip system [8, 8x8], we can form two virtual devices that each take 4 chips and interpret them differently (though they could take the same logical grid).

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<2x8x16, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 2 + (d1 floordiv 8) * 2 + d2 floordiv 8, d1, d2 mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 2x1x2,
  chipIds = [0, 1, 2, 3]
  workerGrid = #tt.grid<16x16, (d0, d1) -> ((d0 floordiv 8) * 2 + d1 floordiv 8, d0 mod 8, d1 mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 2x2,
  chipIds = [4, 5, 6, 7]

Reinterpreted Grids (Transpose)

One particularly interesting usecase that logical grids could enable is to reinterpret the grid as a form of data layout optimization. For example, if we wanted to transpose a tensor, instead of having to move the data around to implement transpose, we could instead reinterpret the grid as being transposed, leveraging the fact that the relevant data is already located on the correct cores/chips.

To keep things simple, let's consider a 1 chip system [1, 8x8], but it's not too big a leap to see how this could map to multi-chip where the cost of moving data is even higher.

Let's also consider a simple (totally contrived) eltwise unary graph:

a = exp(a)
aT = transpose(a)
  1. We'll establish a regular, single chip, identity logical grid:
  workerGrid = #tt.grid<8x8, (d0, d1) -> (0, d0, d1)>,
  meshShape = 1,
  chipIds = [0]
  1. Execute exp.
  2. We'll reinterpret the grid as transposed:
  workerGrid = #tt.grid<8x8, (d0, d1) -> (0, d1, d0)>,
  meshShape = 1,
  chipIds = [0]
  1. Execute transpose. Note that each core only needs to transpose their data locally. Eventually this could be implemented as a no-op by reindexing the tile visitation order of the successive operation.
  2. Execute relu.

It's important to note that we effectively implemented transpose without moving data anywhere.

Reinterpreted Grids (Extra)

For the sake of examples, here's a few more ways of reinterpreting the logical grid.

Extra Wide Grid

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<1x64, (d0, d1) -> (0, d0 * 8 + d1 floordiv 8, d1 mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 1,
  chipIds = [0]

Extra Tall + Transposed Grid

  workerGrid = #tt.grid<64x1, (d0, d1) -> (0, d1 * 8 + d0 floordiv 8, d0 mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 1,
  chipIds = [0]


  workerGrid = #tt.grid<8x8, (d0, d1) -> (0, d0, (d0 + d1) mod 8)>,
  meshShape = 1,
  chipIds = [0]

This could be an interesting starting position for data in implementing matmul as a systolic array in a ring topology.

Lowering to TTNN

While the above device attribute encoding is quite flexible, this does not necessarily mean the target backend can actually support all of these interpretations. TTNN backend will be constrained to support only the specialized grid topologies that are supported by the API.

Grid/Shard Orientation



Please refer to TTNN Mesh Programming Docs for more information on how to program multi-device systems with TTNN API.

Multi-device TTNN dialect will try and stay as close to the TTNN API as possible. Let's consider what this looks like from the compiler and runtime perspectives:


  • Device Creation: The TTNN device in the compiler is exactly the same attribute from the ttir dialect. It will encode the meshShape into the flatbuffer which can be directly used to program ::ttnn::MeshShape.
  • Tensor Layout: Again, the tensor layout is inherited in TTNN dialect from the ttir dialect. The grid attribute in the tensor layout can be trivially divided by meshShape to determine the shape of the tensor slice on each device. Broadcasting rules can be applied to determine which Distribution Strategy to use:
    • Mesh Sharded: If the tensor grid is > 1 along the meshShape dimensions, the tensor will be sharded across the mesh devices.
    • Replication: If the tensor needs to be broadcasted for this op, by extension the tensor layout will be replicated across the mesh devices.


  • Device Creation: The ttnn runtime will wholesale switch to working with mesh devices via api ttnn::multi_device::open_mesh_device, this is possible because a 1x1 mesh device is a valid single device. The mesh shape during device open will always be 1xN where N is the number of deviceIds in the array. Note that this shape can be reinterpreted by flatbuffer programs on the fly with SubMesh API.
  • Tensor Creation: Tensor creation in a multi-device system is a bit more involved. In order to upload a multi-device tensor to the mesh, the host tensor much first be created with MultiDeviceHostStorage. The ttnn runtime can automatically do this during handleToHostMemoryConfigOp:
    • Regular host tensor will bounce through new tensor with MultiDeviceHostStorage type.
    • will allocate/move the tensor to the mesh device.

Lowering to TTMetal

In TTMetal dialect we are only constrained by what we've implemented in the tt-mlir compiler, this means it is much more flexible and can theoretically support any of the grid interpretations above.

Test Plan

  • test/python/ covers all of the examples above and asserts the IR is correctly generated.
  • Additional functional unit tests will be added as op and runtime support is added.


  • tt.device is very flexible, but with this flexibility comes the potential for misuse. It's important that the compiler is able to validate the legal configurations of this attribute for the target backend.