
This page describes how to run different kinds of tests in the tt-forge-fe project. If you haven't built the project yet, please refer to the Build page.

Unit tests

To build the unit tests, run the following command:

cmake --build build -- build_unit_tests

To run the unit tests (this will also build the tests if they are not built):

cmake --build build -- run_unit_tests

Note: The unit tests are built in the build/forge/csrc/test directory. From there, you can run targeted tests directly.

  • For example, to run all the tests defined in forge/csrc/test/passes/ use: ./build/forge/csrc/test/test_passes
  • You can further filter the tests by using the --gtest_filter flag:
    ./build/forge/csrc/test/test_passes --gtest_filter=MMFuseBias/MMFuseBias.mm_fuse_bias/3

End to end tests

For running the end-to-end tests we use the pytest framework. To run these tests, you need to be on a machine with a Tenstorrent Wormhole device. Also, we are still in the process of cleaning up the old tests, so not all tests are working. For a list of green tests, consult pytest.ini.

Note: Make sure that you have activated the python environment before running the tests.

To run all tests defined in /test/mlir/test_ops.py use:

pytest -svv forge/test/mlir/test_ops.py

To run a specific test, use the following:

pytest -svv forge/test/mlir/test_ops.py::test_add
  • The -svv flag is optional and used to display more information about the test run.

Single operator E2E tests

Single operator E2E tests consists of pre configured collections of in-depth tests for each operator according to test plan. Tests include small models consisting of single operator with or without combination with few other operators. More details about test plan available on Test template page

To start interacting with test sweeps framework load helper commands via

source forge/test/operators/pytorch/test_commands.sh

Available commands

print_helpPrint commands and current query parameters.
print_query_docsPrint docs for all available query parameters.
print_paramsPrint current query parameters values.
collect_only_onEnable only collecting tests by including --collect-only.
collect_only_offRemove collect only setup.
test_planRun all tests from test plan.
test_queryRun subset of test plan based on a query parameters.
test_uniqueRun representative examples of all available tests.
test_singleRun single test based on TEST_ID parameter.
test_idsRun tests for multile ids from a test id file.

Full list of supported query parameters

ParameterDescriptionSupported by commands
OPERATORSList of operatorstest_plan, test_query, test_unique
FILTERSList of lambda filterstest_query
INPUT_SOURCESList of input sourcestest_query
INPUT_SHAPESList of input shapestest_query
DEV_DATA_FORMATSList of dev data formatstest_query
MATH_FIDELITIESList of math fidelitiestest_query
KWARGSList of kwargs dictionaries.test_query
FAILING_REASONSList of failing reasonstest_query
SKIP_REASONSList of skip reasonstest_query
RANGELimit number of resultstest_query
RANDOM_SEEDSeed for random number generatortest_query
SAMPLEPercentage of results to sampletest_query
TEST_IDId of a test containing test parameterstest_single
ID_FILEPath to a file containing test idstest_ids

Test configuration parameters

ParameterDescriptionSupported by commands
SKIP_FORGE_VERIFICATIONSkip Forge model verification including model compiling and inferenceall

To check supported values and options for each query parameter please run command print_query_docs.

Usage examples

Run all tests


Run all tests for few operators

export OPERATORS=add,div

Run subset of tests based on query criteria

export OPERATORS=div
export DEV_DATA_FORMATS=Float16_b,Int8
export KWARGS="[{'rounding_mode': 'trunc'},{'rounding_mode': 'floor'}]"

Print representative tests ids of all operators with examples for kwargs values


Print representative tests ids of few operators

export OPERATORS=add,div

Each test can be uniquely identified via a test id. Format of test id is {operator}-{input_source}-{kwargs}-{input_shape}[-{number_of_operands)-]{dev_data_format}-{math_fidelity}.

Kwarg is a mandatory or optional attribute of an operator. See framework (PyTorch, Forge, ...) operator documentation for each operator or use test_unique to find examples.

Run single test based on a test id. Test id may be from a test plan or constructed custom by specifying custom values for kwargs and input_shapes.

export TEST_ID='ge-FROM_HOST-None-(1, 2, 3, 4)-Float16_b-HiFi4'