
This page describes how to run different kinds of tests in the tt-forge-fe project. If you haven't built the project yet, please refer to the Build page.

Unit tests

To build the unit tests, run the following command:

cmake --build build -- build_unit_tests

To run the unit tests (this will also build the tests if they are not built):

cmake --build build -- run_unit_tests

Note: The unit tests are built in the build/forge/csrc/test directory. From there, you can run targeted tests directly.

  • For example, to run all the tests defined in forge/csrc/test/passes/ use: ./build/forge/csrc/test/test_passes
  • You can further filter the tests by using the --gtest_filter flag:
    ./build/forge/csrc/test/test_passes --gtest_filter=MMFuseBias/MMFuseBias.mm_fuse_bias/3

End to end tests

For running the end-to-end tests we use the pytest framework. To run these tests, you need to be on a machine with a Tenstorrent Wormhole device. Also, we are still in the process of cleaning up the old tests, so not all tests are working. For a list of green tests, consult pytest.ini.

Note: Make sure that you have activated the python environment before running the tests.

To run all tests defined in /test/mlir/test_ops.py use:

pytest -svv forge/test/mlir/test_ops.py

To run a specific test, use the following:

pytest -svv forge/test/mlir/test_ops.py::test_add
  • The -svv flag is optional and used to display more information about the test run.